I am SO TIRED of the media slandering peoples character. Theyre - TopicsExpress


I am SO TIRED of the media slandering peoples character. Theyre calling for AP head now...... This is nothing but smoking mirrors. When a father doesnt discipline his child they call him Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin (which u heard none of these same pple speaking up against), but when Adrian Peterson takes the time out to actually discipline his son hes called a terrible parent. I rarely use the race card but a spade is a spade 100/100 times. These pple dont care about this child (which is their supposed concern in this AP saga), they just seek every golden opportunity to broadcast a black man in a negative light. And if yall did care about the well being of these black children, (which they claim is their primary focus) yall wouldve put 3 times the effort and energy into Michael Brown and Trayvon Martins unarmed killings than yall are with AP, where black children wrongfully LOST THEIR LIVES or yall would be helping to improve the living conditions in the hoods where 85% of children live below the poverty line. Wake up and see the bigger picture of how they portray us thru the media. Its rarely positive, and so often negative displaying us as savages, delinquents, and inadequate citizens/parents. #SadTruthRatherUAdmitItorNot Ps: If getting a whooping (whipping in their terms) with a switch is a crime and warrants jail time & a loss of employment, then the majority of good parents I know wouldve been unemployed and incarcerated. #MindYourOwnBusiness the majority of the media dont care about us, just capitalizing on the chance to defame another (unfortunately ONCE AGAIN....... Black) mans character.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:25:19 +0000

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