I am back home with commitment to go and teach there for little - TopicsExpress


I am back home with commitment to go and teach there for little longer period. I have been well treated by the Chinese universities, especially by students and academics. Though it was not my first time teaching in Chinese universities, back in 2004 and 2007 I was in Gauangzow university law faculty human right center. However, China had not yet achieved what it has this time. One strong belief on me that China is a good neighbor of ours, and the people of China do really love Nepal and Nepali. This time, Renmin Dean asked me on my free time, do you want to some place to visit? I said, long back one artist of my country came to China and built a pagoda. So if it is possible I would like to go and pay respect to him. He immediately knew and said. Yes, you have to go there, and it is or far from here. White Pagoda of Beijing was designed and constructed by Araniko. I was driven helped by two students. I arrived to this splendid place, which is one of the important cultural place preserved by the Chinese Government. Unfortunately, I found it was under renovation and visit was prohibited. I asked my student to take a permission for one photo in front of it, as I was from far, Nepal. She said the same to the security guard. He immediately called a man standing little far, one from nebur ( in Chinese Nepal is called nebur). He rushed to me and paid a great respect. He asked the guard to open the gate. He saluted me. He then allowed me to go in also showed the place where I could make good photo. He then offered a cup of green tea. This is how Nepalese are treated. We are equally respectfully treated in India, if we behave well. If we are able to intellectually ale to understand our importance these two countries are our great security politically, economically, socially and even psychologically. I asked many authorities of universities a question, do our ambassadors come to see you and tell about our country? The answer was no. So all Chinese even a farmer know nebur but they dont know how it is doing now. We have miserably failed to our responsibilities. We are now in constitution making process, and CA election. We have to make a constitution which is going to restructure our nation. While we are doing it, we need to pay attention that anything we are going to do will help Nepals development in the days to come. Many people think we failed to make constitution. Yes, we did but why? Who was behind our failure? Let us reflect a little bit. Some people in Nepal, especially from western organizations, whose interests is to promote Christianity, watch China and India s development and make Nepal a safe heaven for these process, are those who were paying for division of ideas and creating hurdles in restructuring. Together, China and India are going to make a future economic hub of the world, and it cannot be easily acceptable for the west. So they need to watch all activities of these countries, and for this Nepal is a safer place. But stable Nepal would not be a good option. So Nepal needs for them unstable, so that they can freely penetrate and work. We were victim of the conspiracy. Second there are number of anti-China activities in Nepal by some western NGOs. They are busy in the name of human rights doing politics. They too want Nepal be disturbed so that their vested interests are fulfilled. Many of intellectuals knowingly or unknowingly have become pawns of them. So our activities are going against our own national interests. These kind of people are able to influence political leaders, and thus the main source of problem or crisis today is in our thoughts than biological age of our leaders. Nepal bears responsibility to protect security of our two neighbors. So our restructuring cannot be framed in a way, that will affect interests of our neighbors and ourselves too. It is one of the reasons, China is not favor of ethnic restructuring. Conversely, western countries did all their best to support division of the past CA. Do we let even in the coming election the flow of money in the same way. Yes, in these fundings some good Nepalese people were too working, therefore they did hard work to protect Nepal from being suffering from catastrophic consequences. I am bit worried even this time because very few people are cautious to learn for the past. A system of restructuring that is harmful of security interests of our neighbors will push Nepal into a perpetual crises. The constitution of Nepal thus pay much attention to the security of Nepal and security interests of our neighbors. The restructuring of the country hence demands critical discourse about security interests of Nepal. This should be the guideline of the constitution making. All those staying abroad, if they love Nepal have to pay attention to this issue and thus lobbying western countries not to support ethnic federalism in Nepal. Those intellectuals who are in Nepal, they should advocate for secular provincial system based on economic development and security of Nepal and our neighbors. Common people must be made aware of this situation by intellectuals. Let us work together to transform our nation into a new ear with help of our neighbors. Below is the picture of under construction white pagoda in Beijing
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 02:28:32 +0000

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