I am going to start by saying God sends angels... And this was and - TopicsExpress


I am going to start by saying God sends angels... And this was and act of God. Now I am not the holiest person in world, but the comments on this original post shows how much people really know about God and Jesus. Allot of people dont know that God and Jesus are not the same. If you recalled man fell short of Gods glory so many times, Jesus was our redemption. Also, Jesus prayed to God through out his journey; remember My God, My God why hath thou fore shaken me. God is God Jesus is Jesus. Jesus speaks to God for us. 1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. Hebrews 1:1-2 Now that I have clarified that part. Let me explain why I think some of the comments are stupid. Comments that I think are stupid are thank Jesus for his angels for example...umm No Sir! Thank God for his Angels you thank Jesus for speaking to God on your behalf. Psalm 34:7 says, “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” Hebrews 1:14 says, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” It is possible that you have met an angel face-to-face without realizing it...which this lady could of been... Hebrews 13:2 says, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing. Revelation 22:8-9 says, “I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, ‘Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all who keep the words of this book. Worship God!’” God does work through angels and it is God who makes the decision to direct an angel to do His bidding, not an angel’s decision to act independent from God: Angels carry out God’s judgment; Angels serve God; Angels praise God; Angels are messengers; Angels protect God’s people; Angels do not marry; Angels do not die; Angels encourage people. That last part of the previous part brings me to another irritating thing: the fact that people die and automatically become Angels...sorry to bust yall bubbles they are sleep the flesh is rotting in the ground sorry but its the truth...lol like if everybody dies and become an angel, then whats the point of judgement day. Thinking that people are gone to be angels is a way to clop with the pain. I am not discrediting Jesus because without Jesus we would not be here he made the ultimate sacrifice for us. I believe that Jesus pleads with God on our behalf every second of the day...and when God is feed up with our ways there will be a rapture and at that time Jesus can not and will not speak on our behalf. This is just my opinion...this is what I learned from what I have read and what I was taught...Lavetter Chism Jerrold Chism Tiffany Jamerson Stacy Jamerson
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 09:37:17 +0000

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