I am going to start out my story with posting a bit of feedback I - TopicsExpress


I am going to start out my story with posting a bit of feedback I received from a NPC Judge from my first Figure competition: “Great job stepping onstage at Seven Feathers this year! This was the biggest ever and also the most competitive it has ever been! So, that in itself is huge and you were a part of it! I think I would open your back up more on the front and back poses though more than anything. YOU MUSCULARITY IS GREAT! AND YOUR CONDITIONING IS SPOT ON IN THE UPPER HALF.. If you can get the lower half (glute/ham tie-ins) to match.. You will be very happy with what you bring to the stage. Great job though in this show, it was not easy! I cannot wait to see what you do next!” I received a 3rd in novice 5’6” and under and 2nd place in Masters 35 and over 5’6” and under at the October 18th 2014 Seven Feathers Championships. To say that I was astonished that I did so well was an understatement and I could not have been happier. Andrew and Andrea have been great coaches/trainers and support staff during my journey to the stage. As a more mature person, I was highly skeptical with my chances of actually reaching my goal of stepping on stage when I first voiced an interest in competing, which I was sure was going to take YEARS to attain. Two kids, some unwanted pounds, my age and my total horror at being on stage in one of those itty bitty teeny tiny shiny bikinis to me were some huge hurdles to leap over. I kept thinking to myself I am never going to lose this weight and forget looking like I actually belonged on stage, but I had paid my money and I was following Andrew’s plan. When he said he wanted me to do the Seven Feathers show in October I had thought he had done lost his mind….ummm hello did he even look at the pictures?? He kept saying trust the plan….. Okay so I did exactly what my trainer told me. Even taking horrible progress pictures and stepping on to the scale once a week…. Gah could anything be more humiliating than putting it all out there for someone younger, healthier and in better shape than I ever thought I could ever attain? How about putting on “that” bikini which was way too small for my way to large rear to ever think about coming even close to covering…. Yep awesomesauce right there. Slowly and surely the pounds and inches started melting away with the help of actually showing up to CrossFit Power Valley on a regular basis and through a much healthier diet than I had ever been on. Good bye to my beloved Dr. Pepper, 16 weeks of contest prep did not allow for you to cross my lips at all. Progress pictures were a getting better and I did not feel quite as bad sending them off and making Andrew and Andrea’s eyes bleed. Then the most amazing things started happening. People were actually noticing that I was gaining muscle and looking leaner. I even had quite a few random people ask me where I worked out at. OMG I could not believe it at all. I was also getting stronger and faster in my WOD’s and the strength portions of our workouts and I was actually starting to kick a little rear. Who knew that I could perform at that intensity and level? It has been crazy fun to see the changes that have taken place in my body over the last 19 weeks. I know I have pretty much taken my fitness journey to an extreme that most people would never ever do, but I would encourage everyone to talk to Andrew about your nutrition. I cannot tell you how much better I am feeling and performing with the changes in diet and cutting out all the excess crap. I am more mobile, my recovery is much faster after workouts and I used to get headaches all the time and at least one migraine a month that put me down and out for a whole day. After cleaning up my diet and drinking a lot of water, I have not had one headache or migraine in the last 19 weeks. That says I was poisoning my body with all the processed foods I was eating. Do I crave all the things I know are bad for me, you bet I do, but I keep telling myself it is not worth it! If you are looking to compete I recommend that you talk to Andrew and Andrea. There program covers everything from the competition diet to picking out competitions suits to posing to training, they also have other contacts in the industry and they highly recommend that their clients go and practice with other professionals. I secretly call my team Triple A Andrew, Andrea, Amy) and we rock!!!! Amy Vogt
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:17:28 +0000

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