I am going to try to show you guys something kind of cool tonight - TopicsExpress


I am going to try to show you guys something kind of cool tonight . It will take a little bit to exaplin so I am going to start with the main post and finish the rest in the comments section. I have to make these examples as I post them so it might take me a little while to finish it . It makes me think of the Holt comic and the death wheel. I am going to do a little explanation for those who might not have seen it before. The v symbol and the words paradice on the Halloween card are what originally made me think of this. The word paradice made me think pair of dice . The dots around the V symbol on the card also made me look at the dots on the 340 code. One day just for the hell of it I started drawing boxes around the dots on the 340 code to form dice. When I did I saw the V symbol from the halloween card embedded in one of the clusters. I then noticed they number the four quadrants of the code in the order of 0,1,2,3.I wont be talking about that here though. I then thought about the clue he left that said the Mt. Diablo code involved radians and it was in my opinion that the v symbol on the card also looked like a square and compass. I saw the square/dice I had made on the 340 and the compass on the map. I had played with overlay/masking codes since I was a child,One of my teachers actually taught us about them in elementary school. I also saw the hint that he left that said the map coupled with the code with give you locations. So I thought.. Why not couple the square on the 340 with the compass on the map?. So I did. Then I divided the 340 into 4 quadrants and started drawing lines from the point of origin to the dots on the 340/map coupling. Then I used a compass and drew circles on the coupling using the dots also. When I was finished I noticed it matched the drawing that the Zodiac made at the end of the death machine letter, One thing I know for sure is that there is something else to it that I am missing and that some of you might be able to figure out . I saw what Richard posted about the v symbol, Holt comic, and the death wheel letter. I had seen it before , but when I hadnt done any of this at that time so it never clicked in my head. The fact the symbol and the death wheel are found somewhere else entirely really got me thinking.Not to mention the words found on the back of the card. There really could be something to it. Maybe he knew these guys or read their comic. I dont know, but it is something I am very interested in. Anyway. You can see in the pic below that they match, and there is an x on the drawing that completes the pattern. I dont know what it all means but I have a few ideas. These xs complete the wheel. I think the numbering 0,1,2,3 is for a hidden message , but like i said.. this post isnt about that. This post is about the wheel. Now just bear with me and I will show you something about the murder sites,dates and this wheel. The murders I am interested in are the known murders that happened on this map.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:06:38 +0000

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