I am listening to the live police/fire scanner reports online from - TopicsExpress


I am listening to the live police/fire scanner reports online from Ferguson, MO and I am greatly saddened and distressed over what I am hearing! Lets make something perfectly clear about the violence, looting, and riots around the country tonight! It has absolutely NOTHING to do with an unarmed black male named Mike Brown getting shot by a white police officer named Darren Wilson! It has NOTHING to do with NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE OR HANDS UP, DONT SHOOT chants and slogans! It has NOTHING to do with a grand jury decision NOT to indict the police officer! It has EVERYTHING to do with an organized gang of thugs committing acts of domestic terrorism on the streets because they obviously are not collecting enough GOVERNMENT WELFARE from the states they live and are wanting to loot and pillage a city as an excuse! They are validating the very action for which they claim to protest against! It is a pathetic display of poorly educated and undisciplined thugs who deserve everything they have coming to them when the NATIONAL GUARD are mobilized and shut down their cities! Trust me when I say MARTIAL LAW is not something you want to play with! I know from experience as I was activated for many minor scale actions in my 13 years in the Florida National Guard for natural disasters and civil unrest incidents! It is not a joke and will NOT be like the movies! IT WILL BE WORSE! :O https://youtube/watch?v=WKVs8H3NYvM
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:07:41 +0000

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