. I am no economist and certainly do not pretend to be one. - TopicsExpress


. I am no economist and certainly do not pretend to be one. Since this is so, as a citizen there are certain puzzling areas where our finances are concerned to which I must direct questions to the one who holds and wields our purse strings. The loss of revenue from property taxes appears to evoke no major concern from our government as the lavish spending continues. Our importation of foreign used vehicles has increased thus providing additional revenues from taxes but does include loss of lives from accidents etc. Our recent Oil and Gas finds are like manna from Heaven as our lavish life styles at the upper level continues. In the meanwhile our Housing needs are such that we can afford derelict newly constructed homes to be left to fall apart while the homeless remain on the streets begging for charity. Our cost of living is surely rising daily but not reflected positively in the Myriad of pension plans we have operating. The elderly have made their contribution towards boosting our economy but derive no recognition for their efforts in their later useless lives while awaiting the inevitable in one of our poorly maintained government hospital institutions. As the poor get poorer, Our Parliamentarians, led by our PM, flaunt their affluence with the various (un)necessary trips abroad, the unions make their demands answered by a government pandering to the belief that large wage hikes for government workers would enhance their election results, our Budget deficit gets larger yet unnoticed by the beneficiaries. As this tale goes on, when the piper calls for repayment many of those who have caused our financial demise would have moved on to greener pastures, we the plebes remaining to mulch on the remaining dried grass left for us as a token of our ignorance - and yes, tolerance. Alvin
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 20:11:25 +0000

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