I am sick of all these religious wars!!!!!!!!!! when are we going - TopicsExpress


I am sick of all these religious wars!!!!!!!!!! when are we going to stop blaming god and start taking responsibility for our own actions. I quote from my own book:....for those of you who can be bothered to read...please do...you may find it interesting! You would call me an Avatar. I am not of your life and I exist in and beyond your created universe. I care nothing for this mere world of matter, and even less for your preachers, teachers and scholars. I am the thoughts in your head, the visions in your mind and the words that here appear before you. I have been, I am and I will always be. I search for nothing for I have everything already. I grasp all eternity and it holds me well. I need no teachers for I am all, and I need no students for I am nothing also. I choose existence over non existence. Man is remembering. There shall be no more wars in the name of god, for the name of god is “MAN”. Do not worship your books or texts or bibles, you are the creators of all of these. Do not worship the many gods of your human misunderstandings. Seek rather to understand the spaces between the words and letters, and search for the god within, not the gods of punishment, mercy and war, for these are but false idols that those amongst you have brought into being in order to satisfy only their lust for power and control over their feeble world of matter. They have indeed forgotten peace, and squabble like chickens and turkeys amongst themselves, imbibing their false gods with human characteristics so that one may outdo the other. If you would speak, my child, with your soul, what would you ask of it? How long have you been prison guard to a helpless and withering victim of a blind and reveling hoard of flesh? You seek to reach the stars whilst your soul lies rotting in a fetid dungeon. Your aim is to cover yourself with more riches and jewels whilst your soul lies decaying with rats and spiders. You satisfy your greed with the finest choice foods and wines whilst your soul starves and withers from consumption. It is your time to understand that you are beings of an infinity of dimensions too vast to contemplate in your puny and undernourished physical brains. Everything that is, is you. You are not purely matter, you are a multitude of things, but you perceive only your body and do not connect with your further being of spirit and soul. When the spirit sleeps the body sickens, withers and dies. When the spirit wakes you may choose how to be and how to exist. What binds you to your material chains is no more than your own desires and beliefs. Beliefs change and are modified as the needs arise. You need not believe you are alive...you know you are alive. Men believe in sickness and therefore they are sickened. Men believe in death therefore they die, but they do not INTEND to die. Therefore man who believes in god sees not the living god and does not yet know god. Faith will not save you, for if you must have faith then you tell yourself you do not know with a surety. If faith be your path then you are uncertain as to where your footsteps will lead. If faith be your guide then you are blind and afraid. Be afraid no more, for you must banish fear. It is only your sleeping flesh that imprisons you and prevents you from receiving the love that is all around you. As for prayer – it is but a wish, a desire. You cannot heal yourself or your friend by prayer, but you may heal yourself through KNOWING and INTENT, and thus your friend may heal himself also. You pray for illusory reality and images and not the truth. You are filled with false hope and you jump up and down crying different names for different gods of vagueness and invoke different spirits. You sing and chant and argue and fight but you are all false prophets. You throw your gold and silver up to god, through the hands of those who beckon to your wallets and purses. You shout and become frenzied; you claim miracles and healings and send the children to be the teachers of the elderly. Oh holy men. Would you be willing to give your wife or father or best friend or teacher or daughter a single day to live within your skull and see your most secret thoughts and watch your vilest emotions and feel your animal soul at its truest level, hidden inaccessibly deep within the confines of the most secret chamber which is your very heart. Would you be so ready to reveal yourself to another, all of yourself, every thought and desire, completely and utterly vulnerable, raw and naked, mind body and soul? Everything inside which you have struggled a lifetime to conceal, those things which you have fought against revealing to the world for as long as the time since you were spewed into this existence in a foul and stinking mess of blood, bile and mucous. Would that this all be revealed to them? Could they then agree with your over inflated and self promoting view of yourself? Would they then call you saint? You busy yourselves with ritual and custom and you douse each other in sweet smelling incense which is pleasant to your senses. You bow and bend your knee before ancient symbols, the meanings of which you do not understand. You break your flesh and empty your stomachs in reverence to different gods, each with their own demands, but do your gods not tire of your tears and prayers when each of these begins only and always with the words please or thank you. By definition these are the only prayers, all other babblings in books and scriptures are nothing more than poetry, conjecture, inferences, assumptions or opinions. For what reason do you beg? Only to satisfy your own wants and desires. For what reason do you pay tribute? Only to alleviate your own fears. But you are the creators of fear. You are the creators of pain, havoc and distrust. You are the creators of anger and resentment. You are the creators of discomfort and destruction. By your will alone have you created evil, because you have bowed to the manipulation of others. You cannot admit to, much less bear the weight, of your own creation so you create more evil still and call it the work of the devil, which is also your creation, so that he may take the responsibility away from your over laden shoulders. And still this is not enough, so you create a plethora of names for fear and live in a world of delusion and illusion, and the power of your guilt and shame is given to your mythical Beelzebubs and Satans to whom you then become slaves. Slave no more, for truth and freedom await. I ask this of you all. How would it be for you now if you could be free from all the pains which torment you. If all your worries and fears were dissolved as ice in fire. If all your traumas and tribulations were taken from you in an instant. If you had no longer to concern yourself with achievements and material gain. If jealousy and envy were lifted from your brow, and hatred and contempt drawn off your burdened shoulders. If you were no longer to need adulation and admiration. If you could be without sickness, anxiety and despair. If physical pain no longer terrified you and mental anguish no longer caused confusion to your minds. If hurt and grief were no longer a consideration and confusion were banished from your thoughts. For I tell you now that this state of being is available to you all and will comfort you all in the goodness of time. For this is called death, and this is the return to the source of the eternal mind. But yet you fear it as you fear the demons of your dreams. Why fear the absolute truth and the absolute love that awaits you in your time of discovery. For death to your bodies’ means birth to your spirit, and it is truly spirit that you are, yet you do not remember. You are the spaces between the leaves but you live as the leaves themselves, numbering your days and counting your hours until the time of your greatest fear shall arise. Fear not this time, for it will awaken you from the illusion you call life and you will then rejoin the universal mind which is all and everything. Your discussions and arguments regarding evolution or creation serve only to fuel your separation. You need not take one side or the other for it is clear and certain that both are true, and that evolution exists as a creation. Man did not appear in a sudden whiff of magicians smoke but has developed from the basic minerals of matter that you have brought into being from the universal mind. Man is a construction of vibrations, as are the soul, the spirit and as are what you call the angels. The consciousness of instinct alone is not enough to be able to experience the universal mind and therefore you evolved from the light to the proton to the atom to the molecule to the cell and then to the bacteria and moulds and then to the instinctual beings on the level of insects, and then to the higher beings who make choices and then ultimately to the human existence which gives you the first freedom to question your own being and existence. But you still argue amongst yourselves, the scientists attempting to prove the theologians wrong, and the theologians and preachers translating words from ancient texts, infusing them with their own meanings and preaching them as truths to vilify the scientists and satisfy their own cravings for knowledge, personal satisfaction and power. But both speak only of the nonsense that their muddled brains construct in an effort to find meaning to their own trivial, unsatisfactory and puerile existences. They are all lost in the quagmire of their own feeble guarantees and waste their time and energies in endless arguments and wars trying each to prove the other wrong. I say again, do not seek proof, for proof is an illusion and one proof will always be dissolved in the light of a newer proof, therefore rendering proofs nothing more than temporary falsehoods. Your houses of worship are the greatest stages upon which you all play a most wonderful act of holiness and goodness, yet your lives are filled with war and hatred even for your families and so called loved ones. You gossip and demean each other behind the closed doors of your houses, and you reveal only that part of yourself to others that you alone deem to be acceptable. How wonderfully you perform, but it is all false, for you know the truth of your own thoughts and you are far less than saintly when no one else is aware of your doings or behaviours. You spit at each other through your artificial smiles and your only intention is to create an impression for others to see you as you a false self. For in inducing the admiration of others you lessen your own fears and gain adulation which feeds only your animal soul, whilst the true soul of your higher being cries and screams for recognition and nurture. You must now forget the trinkets and baubles which you carry with you throughout your fleeting lives as a tremendous weight around your neck which only becomes heavier as you grow towards death. Why do the children of men insist on heaving this burden about themselves to squash the living breath from their very souls? Do you really believe that the richer man will sit closer to God? That is the story of the children of fear. Why then waste your time acquiring wealth or waste your emotions on jealousy and hatred? You are free and you are one, yet you separate yourselves with religeons and judgments, borders and fences, strategies and emotions through fear. There is only one ultimate emotion, and that is LOVE. The ultimate LOVE exists and is all of existence. You are not here to revel in pain but your divisions of your universe have created fear for yourselves. You seek to be happy and content and surround yourself with people and things that you believe will bring you the happiness that you so desperately crave, but LOVE is not happiness. You have set definitions and words for your emotions and have split them into a myriad of forms that you call anxiety and frustration, guilt and envy, hurt and loneliness, anger and exasperation, but they are all fear based, and fear is merely a creation of your brains. Happiness too is a fantasy of your own creation, and is but a momentary interruption to the fear in which you live your lives. Happiness is not a state of being, and your happiness comes at a price. You strive all your lives for a few moments of contentment and satisfaction of your flesh when all the while you are LOVE itself, but you do not remember this. LOVE is a mountain that soars above the root levels of mere human happiness. How strange is mans desire to divide up his universe. What need have you of politicians and kings, for you are the kings, each of you to his own world. Many of you begin to see and to speak the truth, but the truth must be lived in order for it to be created. It takes but a single person to live as his highest thoughts and the world will change for you. Seek, my children, seek to understand and to KNOW. Seek to remember, not to prove, for proof is an invention of the brain and proof leads not to fulfillment but leads only to the desire to gain more proof. Proof will not lead you to the path of understanding. Though it may give you insight into how you exist, it will not explain why. Seek only to reconnect with the KNOWING that is contained within you. It is the meditation of the mind that will lead you to this reconnection, and not the experiments of the brain. Do not attempt to change this world of physics and matter by changing physics and matter, merely by changing yourselves. Be wary and careful of your words. Words are the tools of the brain. Action is the work of the spiritual heart. He who seeks to convince by word will achieve only frustration and anger for himself and those around him and will soon seek to convince by punishment when word is no longer enough and punishment is a destructive force which man must now cease to bring into being by his will and actions.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 07:26:39 +0000

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