I am sure this was likely true and what a douche for doing so, but - TopicsExpress


I am sure this was likely true and what a douche for doing so, but it would have been nice to have actually of seen the person and his van (I explain this quote being in quatation marks within this bracket to show I am unsure because of the video if this was really a van) clearly. Both of the main parties have no good impression this election and with both parties doing the American slam politics politics harder this campaign than I can ever remember them doing before, it really begins to open my eyes to the whole both horns are from the same devil (floating air brackets for obvious to most I know reasons) making the decision (or choice as we are lead to the belief of) all the more difficult. Do I choose R, L, or all the many other floating both ways or does my choice (yip there are those damn floating air brackets again) 9f the parties not really not really make a difference? Either way, difference or not, I can no longer decide who really deserves my vote out of ALL parties but I would hate to not vote if it truely did matter (I am still unsure it really does anymore unless enough votes for the right outside (a bracket stating quote within a bracket making it all the more meaningful or impacting haha) party gains enough support for new way to lead the way. This is again assuming that the vote we give makes a difference to installing a new power. World wide the only time the main political powers have a actually changed towards a party or group have been under a coup or because a minor party has been shown to have a vast majority of support (rather than 2 parties of seemingly opposite stances with often promoted but not acheived political promises (there goes the quote within the bracket as I put a bracket within the bracket to place emphisis (ok another bracket within the bracket that is within the bracket to explain I am unsure of the spelling of emphisis) gaining together (Oooooooooo anothet bracket to explain my quote marks as being sarcastic to show my dis condempt) a majority vote (Oooooo another bracket to show my quotes were a sarcasm in the matter). So to conclude, my quote marks, brackets actually did serve towards making my point, that being that spin (or explaination of spin making the spin appear more credable (see, a bracket within a bracket once again to explain my quote mark while diverting attention) when really we have been herded in a direction like sheep without knowing where our perceived choice), (I love quote marks, they serve to be a great distraction, although less so than brackets like this which are brackets after brackets with8n brackets are used. SEE it worked)...... Ok yada yada what is the point after not making a point? Point being, we are served with the buffet menu that makes it seem we have choice, but we are filling up on the promoted and served with butter, potatoe and bread so we are filled with bland starch and forget about the nutrious meat n vege that serves us to truely sustain us. (A last bracket to apologise to the vegans for mentioning meat is nutrious as I still want your vote, ahhhh did ya see that lil bit of political spin?). To those that read this blurb of out my *** tripe, please like this post haha...
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 11:19:34 +0000

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