I believe and know that we are not alone and it has been proved to - TopicsExpress


I believe and know that we are not alone and it has been proved to me over and over. I remember a dark night of the soul when I felt so alone and helpless against the tide that had turned in my life. I had lost everything, my home, my relationship, my health and my job. I had been injured in a car accident that had caused me great physical pain and walking and sitting had become demanding to get through the day. I looked at my drawn face in a mirror. I had lost weight and there were bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. I went into my living room and lit a few candles turned off the lamps and started talking to God and cursing God and saying if he existed then he had really let me down. I dared God to show his presence and prove the existence of something greater and powerful. Suddenly both candles went out. Poof! The room was in pitch darkness. I said, is that the best you can do? That is when I saw a indigo blue ball of spiraling light that was about 2 feet across. I felt something was with me and I was having trouble believing what I was seeing. It had to be a trick of my retina from suddenly being plunged into utter darkness. I felt warmth and a complete and total love rush all around me and through me. I heard in a telepathic way these words...I will never forget them. Do not fear. In this time is great learning for you. Use it wisely. Do not push against it. I need you to be stronger. I have things for you to do. Be at peace. I am with you...always. I did not leave you, it is you who left me and I have been waiting for you. And just like that the spiraling light faded away. I had no reason to hang onto the many fears I had after that and one by one I let the fears go. In whatever way God reveals the divine self and the all that is...understand that the possibilities are endless. If you just arent feeling God and are questioning In the existence of God, know this it is us that does the leaving by not using our free-will and gifts of life in good stewardship. Maybe we have stopped trying and gave up on life. Since God is life, when we turn away from this power and just stop moving ahead and in due course, your life experiences reflect what you are not putting into it. Heavenly messengers and guides will be whispering, Look this way, or no, dont do that. Obstacles will be put in your path and will be happening for you to wake up and embrace your spirituality and have a heart full of gratitude to see what you have not what you dont have. In full gratitude and love for all of you... I am ~ Lady D ~
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 13:07:32 +0000

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