I believe now that I have deleted all of the Unnecessary people.. - TopicsExpress


I believe now that I have deleted all of the Unnecessary people.. The procedure did not go well today I have not been able to swallow or keep things down for about 6 months now when I do eat something its sits in the top of my throat until I drink enough water to soften the food up for it to gurgle down into my stomach. They try to do a test in the office that would not work because of the narrowing of my esophagus. I have two polyps growing on my vocal chords which causes constant pain and a raspy voice..I go to the doctor for that next month they will have to be removed and tested. Todays procedure at the hospital was to take your camera down through my nose and go all the way into my stomach making me swallow it times and drink at other times however because of the narrowing of the esophagus and the troubles and I have swelling the test was not able to be completed.. I did try it twice but it was horrible and all I could do was throw up and cry. The nurse said that considering the symptoms that I had she wasnt sure that Id even be able to do the test to begin with anyway. I was sick and throwing up for about an hour and a half after the procedure and then again when I got home it was horrible... I go to the original doctor on Monday unless I get a call to go back sooner. Im scared of why this cant be done what the problem is why my esophagus is narrowing the way that it is and why I have these two polyps on my vocal cords that are apparently getting bigger.. I do have a lot of support from some family and awesome friends and I appreciate every word. Every prayer every hug.. I know that there are other people out there that are worse off than I am however this is my journey and Im worried... So I would like to say thank you To everyone who text me this morning called me or personal message me through Facebook Telling me it would be ok.. It clearly wasnt.. I would also like to thank my mom... Marty Justice. For being there and support of today Im sorry that it upset you to see me like that I didnt intend for that to happen at all... Thank you very much for being my friends everyone and thank you to my family for trying to be so positive....
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:53:46 +0000

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