I can honestly say that if youve been reading about Psychic - TopicsExpress


I can honestly say that if youve been reading about Psychic Attacks, Curses, or Hexes , whatever your preferred preference is of calling these types of things, & yes some call them one thing, while others, call them another; & Youve been on the receiving end or the Victim of anothers Psychic Attack i.e......., then you are studying the right topics, if they are related to Parapsychology & Psychic Attacks, so you can Reverse the Curse(s), Return to Sender (as in send back the negative/dark energy drains to your Body & Mind, to their origin/sender, where they truly belong, so they can be sealed up in their etheric body, & guess what.....Finally be at War with the one they are truly at odds with, which is themselves, & do not let me forget to mention a very IMPORTANT part of the CONSEQUENCES of their ACTIONS, they will finally & completely Go to WAR with GOD himself, with every individual for themselves in this & their true WAR that awaits them at the Bottom of the tunnel. They can finally wear their FULL ARMOUR of the DEMON in their OWN INDIVIDUAL FORM, since theyve been fighting for the right to be & remain DEMON POSSESSED, while they made others by their actions, & at their hands, the DEMON OPPRESSED, including even God & the Universe within itself as a whole, due to their slackness & complete unwillingness in even assisting others in cleaning up their mess!!..... Well the END is near, & theyll have to Fight their War with the Man Upstairs in the Heavens, all by themselves, A Soldier for No one but their own self-serving agendas, all for the sake of gaining NOTHING, at least Nothing worth having in any one vendibles eyes, & YES, Right Now, All Eyes are on U-2, waiting for the bell to ring with GOD saying HERES YOUR MOMENT (it serves 2/two different & ultimate purposes, depending upon what your purpose in life & this experience has been, & which side of the War you served a tour of duty on... If you truly know the answer to the ??/?-Then You or U-2 know the OUTCOME, rather the CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS, GOING AGAINST GOD TO PLAY YOUR OWN GOD TO YOUR OWN UNIVERSAL SELFISHNESS INSTEAD OF RALLYING IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM, FOR THE GREATER GOOD, YOURE OWN WANTING TO SELFISHLY GET GOODS OF YOUR OWN BY MANIPULATION & UNDERHANDED TACTICS, BY USING TECHNIQUES THAT DO NOT CONFUSE OR CONVINVE GOD, OR REALLY ANY 1 ELSE, AT LEAST NOT FOR MORE> OR LESS < THAN A BRIEF MOMENT IN TIME-NO LIFE LINE WHEN YOU SOLDIER FOR YOURSELF ALONE, ALOT OF NOTHING IS ALL YOU EVER GET IN A SITUATION OF THIS NATURE!!) So anyway I guess you might want to/2 start preparing yourself with the correct subject matter that youll need to know, if theres even any hope for it being of any use to you, which..., I dont think the odds are good 1 ALMIGHTY GOD up against 2 or > still =0 but 1+0=1, but Ultimately =0 Lame Ass Losers, except for the infinite 1 who cant & wont be defeated, the one TRUE GOD, who to the rest of us there is NO other or NO comparison & NO good reason for the kind of behavior that has been exhibited that goes against GOD, IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE!! You are in whats known as a DIMENSION OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE, LAUNCHED BY THOSE PSYCHIC ATTACKS/HEXES U-2 are so fond of. When someone else launches these attacks, it sends many into the war zones of the Spiritual Planes of Existence, & the ones who get launched by another/others (& the others, as in the ATTACKERS who launch these types of ATTACKS are the 1s in the smaller #s) (the ones-plural in astronomical #s- who get launched into it by the few & far in between others) FIGHT A WAR WITH & FOR GOD, THE ATTACKERS, LAUNCHERSOF PSYCHIC ATTACKS, THE BLACK WITCHES, THE DEMON POSSESSED, THE EMPTY SHELLS... WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO LABEL YOURSELF IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE TYPES, BUT IN REALITY, YOU ARE A FORM OF THE ANTI-CHRIST & ANTI-GOD, & YOU CAN STUPIDLY CLAP YOUR HANDS & NOD YOUR HEAD OR WHAT HAVE YOU AS YOU STAND OR SIT AROUND TRYING TO CONVINCE YOURSELF THAT THE WAR YOU MUST FIGHT VERY SOON AGAINST GOD & GOD ALONE, WITHOUT OTHER PEOPLE BEING TRULY PRESENT, BCUZ YOU HAVE A CURSE, NOT A GIFT OF ANY KIND. THE DEVIL CURSES YOU WITH THE DEMON ALLOWING YOU TO BECOME A DEMON IN YOUR OWN FORMS & MANY FORMS BY YOUR OWN CHOOSING!! GOD BLESSES THOSE WHO STAND BY HIM, & THE GREATER GOOD FOR HUMANITYS SAKE, & REPRESENT FOR HIM & HIS SIDE OF THINGS, WITH GIFTS RELATED TO THE 6TH SENSE. IF YOU BECOME A DEMON IN YOUR OWN FORM, OR DISCONNECT FROM GOD TO SUIT YOUR OWN SELFISH DESIRES OF THE FLESH & WICKEDNESS, THINKING YOU CAN CORRECT IT WHEN THIS, THAT, OR THE OTHER HAPPENS, IN THE MANNER YOU ARE FOOLISHLY WANTING & WISHING FOR BY TRYING TO MANIPULATE THE UNIVERSE ITSELF, YOU LOSE OUT ON HAVING ANY LEVEL OF GIFTS FROM GOD. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW IN THE END, & IT SEEMS THE END IS NEAR. Now the only subject the ATTACKER(S), need focus their attention & minds on is the topics related to DEMONIC POSSESSION in the subject of SPIRITUAL WARFARE, Ive had to study it all to be able to know what I was up against while being up against the DEMONS IN CERTAIN FORMS, BROUGHT ABOUT BY THE DEMONS IN THE FORMS OF U-2. My suggestion is to see if you can use your wandering & confused minds to study away, while you might can-Psychic Attacks dont apply to you in the way of you having to fight & fend them off, just in you dishing them out, so basically the only subject to give you any thing to try & win the battle ahead of you against GOD, & U-2 know who you are already.....& its a LOSE-LOSE SITUATION WITH A MAJOR CATCH 22 FOR THE U=2 CLUB, bcuz once again GOD isnt going to Lose, but U each are SCREWED!!! Just repeating what Ive heard here & there, the this that & the otherr..... Plus what Ive come to know bcuz of the 1 or U-2 who repeat the same stupid things over & over again that make no sense no matter how you try to add (+) it up cuz it always amounts to & always will amount to a bunch of absolute =2 Nothingness!! Nothing from Nothing leaves Nothing (does that help Scatterbrains ??) I told you to (U-2) GIVE IT TO GOD, but you (U-2) had to have your own way, well theres a very big sum/= to pay!! So add (+) it all up & guess what your Ultimate odds are in the Battle of Your (UR) own Personal Armageddon, from the Spontaneous Combustion, of your confused, negative, dark, psychotic, creepy energy that has been collected & is being returned to you, bcuz you have to carry your own weight, like it or not, other people are not responsible for doing such for you (U-2), or anyone, & in your (UR) cases (U-2s), Its Every Person For Themselves, You Know the Way it Usually is when U R trying to get UR own Way at other peoples expense= 2 GET READY, cuz its about time 4 U 2 2 cash N UR IOUs!! NO Luck Here NO Luck There, NO Luck 4 U 2s Anywhere!! GOD BLESS THE REST!!!! PEACE BE STILL & GOD !!!!!!SPEED!!!!!!!!......etc.........!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 08:08:53 +0000

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