I cant believe that this week I hit my year mark. Bai how the time - TopicsExpress


I cant believe that this week I hit my year mark. Bai how the time does fly when your having fun. On Monday we went over to the Dejonge family who have been members for a long time and did a family night with them. I really like them a lot. They are preparing to go to the temple for the first time. Ya I know that is crazy isnt it. People here dont have all that we have especially in good Old Utah being able to go whatever direction and hit a temple. I think that it helps them realize the importance of it and really helps them be prepared when they go for the first time thought which is really good. So we watched a few Mormon messages on the temple and just talked about that. God blesses his members of the church greatly here. The plane ticket is free for all those that go for their first time and their food and stay is very cheap. Which is good because hardly anybody has any money here. Tuesday was a sick day mainly because I was able to teach Zone Meeting. I love teaching especially when I dont have to think of the topic. I just have to teach the topic in the way that I want to. It is the best! Never thought I would enjoy teaching people so much in my life. It makes me wonder what I want to do when I get home but that is not too big of a worry I dont think. But Zone Meeting was really good President really wants us to flood the mission with the book of mormon so Elder Hill and I presented a new thing to our zone. Usually at the end of each week we all have to report our numbers and for our zone. We made a new thing of passing out 10 book of mormons a week during a contact. So when we talk to people on the street we must be effective and give them a book of mormon whether it will bring success immediately or it doesnt matter that we know that eventually it will bring success. We also saw Cameta Trottman one of my favorite members. I have a million of those here so get used to it. I love this branch like crazy so many cool members and cool families. Something that I never saw in Grenada was a put together family come to church. It is my favorite. On Wednesday we had a pretty good day we had to run a bit of errands but when we got done with that we saw Ann who is also one of my favorite future members here in Georgetown she is great. We than saw some other girls and they are kind of just in love with me. One told me that she cant believe that I cant see that my wife is right in front of my face. Ha they are funny though I like them. But we chastised them a little bit and really let them know our purpose and told them that if they are a waste of our time we will not be seeing them because we have a very big purpose as missionaries. We also saw a member family whose son got baptized on Saturday it was a lot of fun to be around them and work with them. I really enjoy being with families. Something that I love about Guyana. Thursday I was supposed to burn a shirt but we had some things happen that day that prevented that. So I will burn one on my year mark of getting to Trinidad. But that was that day. Friday once again we had to do a lot of errands. We got some blank CDs so that we can put copies of the Book of Mormon on them for people because not everybody here knows how to read, especially in certain areas. But we saw the Baccus family and they are great. Got to know them a little bit and had fun with them. They are a big family, have a 19 year old daughter 16 15 13 and a 10 year old son. The girls are just divas. Kind of stuck up and think they are just so beautiful ha but I make fun of them for that and they just smile at me like a total diva would it is great. They were a lot of fun though and gave us a lot of referrals. We also saw the Fredericks family. Susan the mother is a recent convert and her husband is a Muslim but he is super sick. He likes us really bad and we get a long really well. He always reminds us like 10 times when we are leaving when our next appointment is going to be with them. It is going to be cool to baptize a Muslim. He mentioned today how light he feels when we pray and teach. It is unreal the gospel is really hitting him with the lessons and his wife being a wonderful example to him. And the daughter is 10, getting baptized soon. We always leave her with scriptures to memorize and reward her when she has one for us she is really great. I love them a lot. We saw a super cool member today whose name is brother John he is sweet. He is a little bit more well off than everybody else but we spent a lot of time with him. He was talking to us a lot about the signs of the second coming. He is very intelligent in that and also talked about horoscopes and told us about ours. Ha I am a Libra and Lauren is a Pisces and he told me that it would be hard for us to get a long. Ha it was funny he really believes in that stuff than I was like man we are going on 4 years we are good but it was funny a lot of fun. Today we also had that baptism of Franswa Mayers. And that went really good a lot of fun to see his father baptize him. Sunday was a good day. It is so crazy here to randomly have new people show up every week. It is an easy way for us to get new investigators though which is really sick. We look forward to the success that we are going to have with many of these people. We had a lot of good lessons on Sunday teaching with members and less actives and people progressing towards baptism. We have a lot of good things coming up. We saw the Ram family today who is super sick. I love them soooo much, all of the members of the family cousins kids and everything. Every single time that we have been there we have been fed. It is the best. A funny thing that day was we were teaching Ann and I told her that my wife has to enjoy watching sports and chick flick movies with me and she said well I will watch sports with you no worries haha it was super funny. She is one of my best friends here in Georgetown. I will send some pics next week of all these sick people. I love you all and hope that you take care! Elder Smith
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:50:11 +0000

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