I cant believe were still having to report on such as this. South - TopicsExpress


I cant believe were still having to report on such as this. South Carolina lawmakers, why is this not a top priority? The appalling legacy of intimate partner violence is correctable. Let the action begin now, and the conversation below. wyff4/news/scso-boyfriend-beat-stomped-cut-woman-for-2-hours/25394748?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium... And to kick start the conversation again, here goes with the statement I just lobbed into the WYFF4 Facebook page: Michael Cogdill here, a victim and survivor of domestic abuse, with a calling: Men, you are accountable. If you are violent with women, you need to live apart from women, and your children, until you repair the inner brokenness. This is foremost a mans problem to solve. Seek the help of A Call To Men and the world of counsel that abides in this great country. Women, hold men accountable. Do everything in your power to get safely away. Seek the help of the likes of Safe Harbor. Leaving is a dangerous time. Acknowledge this, then go. Do NOT go back. Dont believe the rhetoric of love, believe the behavior of the man. Hold yourself accountable for getting yourself and your children away. Get away. Stay away. Let no religious cleric or institution convince you otherwise. There is no God who wants you living in violence, in danger. Google the idea of learned helplessness. Then, ask yourself if you want to live helplessly, or empowered. Again, to men violent with women, your parents experience is no free pass. I dont care if you learned it from your daddy. That get-out-of-jail free card of your past has a mosquitos lifespan. It bears repeating, YOU are accountable for your actions. The fact some lax lawmakers choose to give your brutality room to run doesnt alter the fundamental human right of all women to live apart from you. Including your daughters and sons. And, yes, the woman you hit is someones daughter. Would you want another man beating or emotionally tormenting your daughter? I live in all hope the answer is no!. You would want your daughter to flee. It is my earnest prayer this resonates powerfully with men and women. And for all curious about my standing to say these things, read this. It came out last year as we ramped up our work for Chronicle, Living in Fear, and it went viral around the world. I hope it goes likewise into your spirit. Peace, always. michaelcogdill.wordpress/.../untwisting.../
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 20:03:23 +0000

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