I chose to change One day I looked at my life and I knew life - TopicsExpress


I chose to change One day I looked at my life and I knew life simply sucked. I knew I had made bad choices, I wasnt aware how bad or how much was my fault, yet I knew I had played a part in my mess. I looked around and wondered, How can things get better and is better even possible? My journey to change is still underway and I expect to be on this journey till I take my last breathe. Yet my journey to getting clear took me 3½ years. How was this possible? When I embarked on this journey I was not looking for clarity, I did not even think of clarity. Why would I? I knew my issues, right? I was in for a rude awakening. I learned the hard way that I was not in any way aware of where I was. The issues I saw, the pain I felt was just on the surface. I would have to be willing to dig in and get down to the root cause of my repeated mistakes. I needed to understand why I thought as I did, felt as I did, spoke as I did, believed as I did and acted as I did. The truth is I had no idea where to start, all I knew was my life could not continue in the direction it was. Can you relate to this? I am work in progress, in fact, every day I learn a bit more and push forward toward my vision of the life I want to live. I can tell you that I am better today than I was.....why? I say this because I am not the same person I was. Emotionally I am stronger. I went from trying to please others to doing what I wanted to do and needed to do. I went from being weak to becoming a warrior. I went from being insecure, to becoming assertive. Sometimes we look for immediate changes and expect things to go from 0-100 in a blink of an eye. Yet, that way of thinking, of expecting fast results simply keeps us from noticing and appreciating the changes that prepare us for the next phase of our lives. The changes that make us better equipped to move forward. I chose to change and it took me 3½ years to understand what change meant, who I was, what I wanted and why. If I would have quit out of frustration......Eileen Gonzalez - Life According to Me would not exist today. Thoughts? https://ruzuku/courses/2955/about
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 20:15:46 +0000

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