I do have great sympathies for the Twenty-First Century Generation - TopicsExpress


I do have great sympathies for the Twenty-First Century Generation of the Body of Christ. Judging by the advances medical science has made (to say NOTHING about technological explosion), the Body of Christ remains largely socially and spiritually inchoate; except of course in terms of money generation gimmicks. In Acts chapters 1 & 2, the narrative is very clear. The disciples of the Lord Jesus locked themselves away from the public because He had commanded them to do so until they received the Promise from the Father. (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:04). When the Promise from the Father had materialised, they were transformed beyond recognition. Simon Peter preached an open air message, harvesting 3 000 men. THATS WHAT I CALL EVANGELIZING TO THEM GREAT JOY (Luke 2:10). We need to be reminded that the announcement of the Birth of the Saviour and angelic inspired celebration that accompanied it was not made in the TEMPLE OR SYNAGOGUES. The Angels in celebrating the Birth of a Saviour announced it to the UNCHURCHED people of that day. There should be a good reason for this. So good that the average Christian does not find it strange when Churches stage big Christmas celebrations not to the UNCHURCHED OF OUR DAY but to THE CONVERTED with limited impact if any (for those who take records of these functions). The Message about the Birth of Jesus is for the HEATHEN, THE GENTILES, PEOPLE WHO WILL NEVER ENTER THE DOORS OF OUR CHURCHES. The Angel prudently told the shepherds, I evangelise to you great joy. Who in his right mind spends resources to evangelise the converted? THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY BODY OF CHRIST. Like Barry Roux, Oscar Pistorius Attorney (whatever you choose to call him), I put it to you that the way Christian Business is conducted today, no properly instructed non-Christian person would trace our practice to the Bible or to the New Testament like those who identified the disciples with Jesus long after He had returned to the Father. (Acts 4:13; 11:26). People like you send me Scriptures that you should rather send to non-believers. I challenge you and all our loved ones, when last did you stop somebody to check if they can tell you WHO JESUS IS? I concede it is easier to talk to people who believe the same things that you do. But then, how different will Christians be from non-believers? Non-believers are also only comfortable with people who share their perspective on life. We must be different in 2015. It will be insane of us to be doing things this same way and dream of making in-roads. You and I must take the message of Christmas NOT TO THE CHURCHES, THE SYNAGOGUES, THE TEMPLE, but to the street corners, to the train stations, to the taxi ranks, to the prisons and remanding cells. This is the only way our evangelism pattern will be good news that brings great joy. If you are ready to do that, then I will be there to team up with those whose pattern is biblical not traditional. Shalom! Maranatha.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 19:18:58 +0000

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