I do so hate to bring up Marx, but... He did predict this - TopicsExpress


I do so hate to bring up Marx, but... He did predict this little problem. We have the monopolization of the means of production in the hands of a few. The robot is paid for with surplus labor value, We need to change our mindset. The worker needs to have some ownership in the company. He/she works to their own demise, and is helpless to alter their own fate. A company does not think about the big picture but is focused on maximizing profits at all costs. Without citizen dividends to offset this problem, or some ownership in the commons we are lost. I have argued that technology is part of the commons, like land. Technological advancements are the product of decades of research, and the ideas are monopolized by the fortunate few. The well-positioned owner of the means of production easily uses surplus labor value/ profits to purchase the robot/technology. The rich now monopolize technological advances. Another case for Citizen Dividends. We can just keep adding the growing number of unfortunates to the Welfare rolls, or we can trash the entire Welfare State with its unfortunate mentality, and give a yearly Dividend ( think Social Security for all starting at age 18 ) to all, that is not predicated on need, but on principles of justice and fair play. This is a Brave New World gone mad. The fruits of the earth are hoarded by the few. Technological advancements that enable man to be free of toil and labor are now the exclusive province of the few, when they are the fruits of the many. Robots are the product of years of research, and should be seen as fruits of the earth;
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 22:06:44 +0000

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