I dont know. If I was a women and got into a squabble with my guy - TopicsExpress


I dont know. If I was a women and got into a squabble with my guy and he knocked me out, Id be filing a law suite and move mountains to get away from him. I definitely wouldnt marry him! Its a little nuts if you ask me. It makes her look guilty for starting the whole thing! Rices wife did look to be slapping him around. Guys should end those relationships right away! The women is out of control and shes going to test your limit to take it! Looked like he gave her a good slap to let her know what hes working with and it only made her madder. He then panicked because he felt very threatened at that point and decided to send her to sleep before hes missing an eye or deformed face! Lol. When a women goes nuts, you dont know what to expect! Just messed up his whole life because he didnt get her counseling after the first slap. No one should put their hands on another. Yet, its the guy who gets blamed when things get totally out of control. Its like the women had nothing at all to do with the whole thing. Cost the brother millions because he wasnt wise enough to pick a women thats self controlled and respected him enough to not slap him around. Doesnt excuse him knocking her out! Could have killed her with that punch. Thats why hes getting skewered like a rotisserie ham! Lol. Hes disturbed because hes defending her as an angel and strong. The only strength I see in her is how she took a good punch and still standing! Lol. I dont call it strong to risk that again. You know what youre dealing with, so why are you still there?! Just nuts! To me, thats weak! Maybe the girl got game and find marriage is the best way to get paid!!! Hey, if money means more than your life, what can I say. Maybe he did something really bad, like flirting with another women or worse. The reaction should be to get away from each other until cooler heads prevail. Should never get slappy but that must be the culture. You see it in movies all the time. Just teaching really bad reactions to disapproval and how to handle anger. I wouldnt want to be him. This kind of crap could totally hit the fan at some point and he could wake up to bullets or a knife in the heart. Some brothers like living dangerous. Probably got one eye bigger than the other from sleeping with it open. Lol. He could have killed her accidently and ended up on 48 hours murder mysteries trying to explain how that wasnt him with her in the elevator, knocking her out. A few days after, shes missing, he explains he thought it was normal for her to leave after a big argument. Truth is, after she woke up from the knockout in the elevator, they went home, sobered up and shes really mad now, after talking, and not resolving whatever caused the conflict in the first place. She gets slappy again and he decides to put her to sleep with another knockout again, but this time he hits her a little too hard or the last slug caused a blood clot or injury and another punch of the same magnitude kills her. Oops! Thats his butt in a sling! Hes gonna be wearing orange soon as they figure it all out. So, he decides to roll her up in the carpet, put her in the trunk and bury her down by the river or in the desert rather than face the music and get meritoriously sent to prison for 25 to life without parole for being too stupid to see it coming! Not smart enough to fix it after the first slap! Yep, just a 48 hours murder mystery just waiting on things for these two to jump off really crazy. I pray this is a wakeup call for them and they, at least, resolve to stop getting slappy with each other. It might end up good entertainment to solve the mystery on 48 hours murder mysteries but no way to conduct a healthy relationship. Swallow your pride and youll find you can live without her/him. ITS NOT LOVE WHEN IT GETS TO SLAPPING YOUR MATE AROUND!!! IF IT AINT LOVE, LET IT GO! People slap because it makes them feel powerful. Its a selfish act. Love always seeks the benefit of another. Love always treats another as you want to be treated. Love is not selfish. Love goes beyond words. Its an action. Only actions validate the words I love you. Sad to let pride or for whatever reason he felt like he needed to show her hes a man and theres a line that should not be crossed because Rice aint no punk! Looks like theyre both getting punked out of millions! High move for sure! Lol.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 09:51:09 +0000

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