I dont know how we ever became referred to as slackers, but its a - TopicsExpress


I dont know how we ever became referred to as slackers, but its a bunch of shit. Though his original essay was melancholy and defeatist (Its over, baby. Gen-X has been crushed. You might as well retire.), Gordiniers book conveys a far different message. Shirking the media myth that Xers are slackers, Gordinier argues that Generation X has — to borrow a 60s term — changed the world. Citing Gen-X icons like Quentin Tarantino and Jon Stewart, along with Gen-X triumphs like Google, YouTube, and Amazon, among others, Gordinier argues that not only are Xers far from over, they might be the most unsung and influential generation of all time. Gen-X stomping grounds of the past — the espresso bar, the record shop, the thrift store — have been resurrected in digital form. The new bohemia is less a place than it is a headspace. Its flexible enough to bypass all the old binaries. It encompasses mass and class, mainstream and marginal, yuppie and refusenik, gearhead and Luddite. Its everywhere and nowhere in particular, he writes. In short, GenXers are doing the quiet work of keeping America from sucking. --Youre welcome!! content.time/time/arts/article/0,8599,1731528,00.html
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 00:57:22 +0000

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