I dont like Chris Christie; he is NOT a viable candidate for - TopicsExpress


I dont like Chris Christie; he is NOT a viable candidate for president of the United States. He is just another muslim ass-kisser...he is NOT a fighter, a champion, or a rational human being, when it comes to the delicate but extremely important task of maintaining Americas standing as an exceptional nation. Just like they did with Romney when we were making choices for the leader of our country, the media continues to shove down our throats, the option of a whipped dog who does not know how to lead - hell, he cant even lead his state, and the media expects us to consider him as a candidate for the most important position and highest office in our land? LOOK WHAT A HUGE MISTAKE WE HAVE IN OUR WHITE HOUSE NOW!! No, America didnt choose Obama; frankly, if the truth be known the ones who are responsible for the fact that we have this larger than life POS in our nations capitol, ARE NOT EVEN AMERICANS! So, if you think that we will actually be able to vote Obama out when the 2016 election comes around, back up and regroup; take notice of all the little details and the timeline of Obamas life and how this has been planned for a very long time - not necessarily as far back as from the day he was born, but certainly from the time he could comprehend that eating dogs was DEFINITELY not something that NORMAL people do...or that Pop would become more of an influence in his life than just a fondly remembered adolescent memory and the subject of a poem. The reason Christie is being forced upon us is because the left needs someone to challenge Obama, but is not ashamed to concede to him. It is the same method that was used when we all dropped our guard for the skepticism we had over Romney; I didnt want him to run because in my eyes, he was too wishy-washy as an opponent against what many of us already knew about the type of person Obama is. But they forced him in there anyway. He kept up the act in the debates, continuing to lead Conservative Americans into believing that he was a fighter; someone who would not back down to the half-assed truths Obama would unearth and use against him. Romney never came back with anything damning enough against Obama, though we all know the evidence was there to support ANYTHING he wanted to use for this argument. He wimped out - plain and simple - he did not fight for the American people; he did not challenge Obama, he did not throw a mountain of truth in his face about his past to make him crumble and collapse into a quivering pile of putrid flesh, as he should have...he simply backed off and conceded. Now, I ask you...ALL AMERICANS... DO YOU LOVE AMERICA ENOUGH TO FIGHT TO REGAIN THE CONTROL THAT WE, THE PEOPLE, RIGHTFULLY POSSESS, AND WREST HER FATE AWAY FROM THE GLOBAL ELITISTS WHO THREATEN (and are VERY close to succeeding!!) TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY RIGHT OUT FROM UNDERNEATH OUR FEET???
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 22:58:38 +0000

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