I dont think anyone on the left or the right really believes in - TopicsExpress


I dont think anyone on the left or the right really believes in free speech. The reason I say that is because of the multitude of times I have seen people on both sides tell someone that is critical of some policy, agency or political candidate they love that if they dont love what they love then they can just pack their bags and leave. This is especially true with anyone that is critical of the police and then goes on to accurately describe in detail all the various ways police violate the rights of the people along with the oath that they swore to uphold and defend those rights. If you point out how every police officer conducts numerous of non consensual/warrantless searches of people and property in violation of the 4th amendment you are always labeled as some kind of criminal that had a bad run in with law enforcement and therefore you just hate all law enforcement. Of course that is nothing more than an ad hominem argument attacking the persons character rather than refuting their claim that police do in fact violate peoples rights and the oath they swore to protect those rights on a daily basis. Then you have the old tried and true argument that not all cops are bad which was just proven to be untrue by showing how all cops simply follow orders without thinking how they are violating someones rights and once again instead of refuting the argument the biased cop supporter gets angry and starts calling you a socialist, commie pinko faggot liberal because you just made an argument that they cant refute with rhetoric and which deep down they know is true but refuse to admit it. If you truly believe in freedom of speech dont start calling someone names and telling them to leave the country just because they made you think about something in a way you never thought about it or tell them if they dont like something they can pack their bags and leave or God forbid the dumbest thing that can ever be said in my opinion Why dont you become X and change the system from within?! Why is it so hard for people to simply admit a problem exists that needs to be addressed and try to find some common ground from which to work and address the problem ? Why do we feel a need to defend things that even we dont like just because the person doing those things is supposedly one of us depending on how you label yourself? You have Obama doing all the same things Bush did and because he is a democrat it is o.k. and democrats will defend him. If you point out all the things Bush did wrong and policies he instituted that Obama is continuing then the republican defends Bush even though he despises the exact same policy under Obama and that right there is the definition of Cognitive Dissonance. DS thenewamerican/world-news/asia/item/19817-un-seeks-to-criminalize-free-speech-citing-human-rights
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:12:00 +0000

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