I don’t know about you, but I am deeply disturbed by the - TopicsExpress


I don’t know about you, but I am deeply disturbed by the Obama’s frivolous spending of taxpayer money. During a time when Americans are having to cut back, with many living in fear of losing their homes and/or their jobs, and with a vacation out of reach for many people because of the damaging economic effects of Obama’s destructive policies, the president has no business going on a nearly $8 million vacation. When was the last time they simply went back home to Chicago? I can only recall once or twice that Obama went there for an overnight trip. The First Family seems to think that they are royalty with the lavish life of luxury they live with their vacationing on the taxpayer dime. To add insult to injury, the word has gotten out that First Dog Bo will have his own special trip to the family vacation. Rather than leaving him with a boarder, White House staff, or having him fly on the plane with the Obama family, Bo was airlifted aboard his own aircraft to join the family at Martha’s Vineyard. Bo, the president’s Portuguese Water Dog, arrived separately on one of two MV-22 Ospreys, a hybrid aircraft which takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane. It was the first time the Ospreys have been taken on holiday by a US president. Yet more evidence from our president that he sees us as serfs, peons, peasants. I’m sure left will compare apples to oranges in talking about how many ‘days of vacation’ that Bush took. What they fail to mention and compare, however, is that Bush’s vacation was to his own personal ranch in Crawford, TX that was set up so that he could work. I do not recall tens of millions of dollars being spent yearly on rooms running $5,000+ a night and more on a regular basis and his dog Barney being given the royal treatment with his own personal airplane. Obama’s summer vacation (away from his daily vacation of golf and campaigning) is yet another example of the “Do as I say, not as I do” world Obama lives in.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 02:32:11 +0000

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