I enjoin everyone to read this article below, its on page 60 of - TopicsExpress


I enjoin everyone to read this article below, its on page 60 of todays Punch, an article written by odilim Enwegbara. It centers around the conspiracy theory on these bio-made viruses. With some serious facts and proofs that HIV and Ebola may have been man made to reduce the population of developing countries. I have done some analysis and posts on this, and now, the content below tend to add more credibility to those theories. I leave you to make your final decision! Remember, its still speculative but its tending toward reality! Either Africa comes together to realise that its time they jettison dependency on foreign interventions, develop themselves and solve their problems or they remain endangered species. Remember, gay and lesbianism, which ensures prompt reduction in birth and population is being forced on us, any country rejecting it is subjected to. Serious sanctions, criticisms and ostracised. He who have ear, let him hear! I hope and pray that our government is listening and paying attention to this! Enjoy the piece below and happy sunday!!! President Jonathan called him ‘a crazy man’. Was Patrick Sawyer really crazy for bringing Ebola to Nigeria? It all depends on how we look at his action. If seen from a vengeful eye, this Liberian-American could have turned his anger on the ‘big brother’ Nigeria for its lack of sense of solidarity toward its West African brothers and neighbours battling the health and economic devastation caused by the Ebola epidemic. Therefore, it’s possible he decided to pay back for our insensitivity to their plight, including not sending medical equipment, doctors or money to support our devastated poor neighbours. If this was his reason, no doubt, God was on his side for catching us unprepared. Isn’t it ironical that we are now demanding the experimental drug from the United States, whose two of its citizens too have contracted Ebola while on humanitarian mission in Liberia? Besides, should America help its hegemonic rival in Africa, a nation that has since been seen by Washington to be opposing its imperial interests in Africa? But if Washington is refusing because of these reasons, obviously the Ebola Virus Disease would soon be contained in Nigeria. Also, if it is all about padding of bottom-line by some giant pharmaceutical companies, then, we should worry less because whatever would be the price tag of the would-be Ebola virus drug, we are rich enough to bear it. When examined critically, the whole episode may reveal that it is part of bioterrorism on Africa, in an effort to drastically curtail its fast growing population expected to reach two billion by 2050, to be led by Nigeria’s 500 million. This understanding that it is all about curtailing Africa’s population will guide our understanding why someone somewhere seems determined to terrorise Africa with this bio-engineered lethal and expensive-to-cure disease. But to understand how old this population reduction project has been, we need to understand that western eugenics movement started in the 1900s. Recognising Africans and Asians as ‘inferior’ and undesirable races that are threats to the white, the so-assumed ‘superior’ race, the father of the western eugenics movement, Sir Francis Galton, argued that for ‘’a more suitable race to continue to prevail over the less suitable races,’’ the growth of the population of the unsuitable races should always be curtailed. Alarmed by the kind of people behind this white supremacy project, Edwin Black in his famous book ,’War against the weak: Eugenics and America’s campaign to create a master race,’ wrote, ‘’Eugenics would have been so much of a bizarre parlor talk, had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies [from] the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institution.’’ That explains why Henry Kissinger, a long-running Rockefeller enabler, produced in 1974 the infamous ‘National Security Study Memorandum 200’ (NSSM200) signed into law by President Gerald Ford in November 1975 as the official policy document handed to the State and Justice Departments along with the Pentagon and the CIA to fiercely pursue population reduction in developing countries, particularly in Africa. Just like the earlier eugenics argument, the crusade to reduce the population of these countries, according to Kissinger, is to ensure that citizens of these countries never consume their very natural resources, supposedly meant for Americans and the preservation of western civilisation. Since involuntary sterilisation carried out by both the World Health Organisation and USAID yielded less expected results, in its ‘Global 2000 Report for the President in 1980,’ the State Department insisted that to drastically reduce the world population by two billion people by 2000, some deadly and expensive-to-cure or manage diseases remained the best bet. The Deputy Director for Research and Technology, Department of Defence, Dr. D.M. MacArthur, anticipating excitement from members of a subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriation in 1969 about these bio-engineered virus diseases, said they should ‘’differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms… for it might be refractory to the immunology and therapeutic process upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.’’ Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Ebola Virus Disease were the two most lethal bio-engineered diseases in the US military-industrial-complex laboratories with their deployment targeted at people in developing countries. Also, leading US pharmaceutical companies, the ‘Big Pharm,’ were brought in to work out the processes of their release and possible cure once the required damage is completed. The HIV was released in 1975 by some unsuspecting WHO workers in Africa in doses of the smallpox vaccine, and later transmitted in hepatitis B vaccine. In 1976, while the first swine flu epidemic was hitting the world, the Ebola virus too was released through African monkeys. By 1981, with everything ready to go as planned, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Maxwell Taylor, confidently said, ‘’I have already written off more than a billion people. These people are in places in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.’’ Quick to agree, England’s Prince Philip, talking to People magazine in an interview, said, ‘’Human population growth is probably the single most serious that ….In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus.’’ Confirming the man-made nature of the HIV, Boyd Graves, a graduate of the US Naval Academy and director, ‘AIDS Concerns for Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, said, ‘’The United States intentionally made the HIV/AIDS with the purpose for use as a population weapon, a quiet and silent holocaust of people of colour, toward the development of a New World Order.’’ Making sure no one stopped these deadly diseases from decimating the population of most developing countries, the CIA had to frustrate scientists carrying out research to find either an early cure or control their spread. Just the same way Raymond Rife was professionally discredited and financially ruined in the 1930s for wanting to put the US medical community out of business with his cancer disease cure, using some unique radio-wave frequency vibrations, those wanting to find early cure for either the HIV or EVD either died mysteriously or ruined financial and professionally. By keeping most scientists and doctors away from looking closely at causes and remedies, it is understandable why there has not been a cure for Ebola except what the US authorities recently called ‘experimental drug’ which Washington now uses as its imperial carrot. That the population reduction project has never been slowed, speaking on February 8, 2009 at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy, Obama’s National Security Adviser, Gen. James L. Jones told his German audience that he took his ‘’daily orders [not from President Obama but] but from Henry Kissinger,’’ who himself takes his ‘’orders from the New York corner dominated by the Rockefeller interests.’’ Also that John Holdren, a militant member of the population control movement, who hardly hides his strongly belief in population reduction in regions like Africa should be sitting at Obama’s right hand as his science czar only confirms how limited Obama’s powers when it comes to matters like the US population reduction project. With Ebola outbreak assuming pandemic proportion in Africa, soon hundreds of millions of African child-bearing women will be sterilised along with their male counterparts. Deceived like the holocaust victims who were told that they were going into ‘shower’ for ‘public health’ and ‘disinfection,’ Africans, mandated by their unsuspecting governments to get vaccinated against Ebola virus could end up being casualties of involuntary sterilization. How would Africans react years later when they discover that hundreds of millions of child-bearing Africans have been rendered infertile as a result of involuntary sterilisation caused by an Ebola vaccine? What about discovering that while the vaccine stopped Ebola, its damaging effects include the destruction of immune system, breeding of new form of diseases and cancer? Avoiding the kind of ‘had we known’ will require African governments to insist on thorough investigation of the effect of such a vaccine and its potential health repercussions before handing Africans to western exterminators.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 10:40:56 +0000

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