I entered the forest under grey skies and mist, feeling the enigma - TopicsExpress


I entered the forest under grey skies and mist, feeling the enigma of a mystical kiss. I felt its embrace draw me in, it led to a spot where the Veil grew thin. There were elemental spirits everywhere, Gnomes and Undines, Dryads and Nymphs, Elves and the little Sylphs. Spirits of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, creatures of the Wizards Wood, before an open portal they stood. To each side a Sister was positioned Adalayne and Agnes escorting everyone through, they waved me to cut in line and stepped me through too. There on the other side stood Echo and Bell, they pointed us to the mountain valley where the Dragons still dwell. Majestic mountains lined the shores of a wide blue-green river bed, calm water along the shore and down the center the current made way ahead. There were beams of light coming down from the sky, and upon them the Dragons did ride. Dark shadowed clouds held over the distant horizon were kept at bay by the curtain of light. To the left at the base of the mountain stretched a shelf of rock, Upon it stood the Brothers engaged in small talk. Verdant meadows spread out on my right provided ample room for all to abide. The nature spirits went straight to work, preparing the grounds. There were banquet tables and chairs, garlands strung from the trees. The Undines appeared in the water tails splashing merrily. To the shores they brought shells reflecting mother of pearl and the Sylphs were painting rainbows in the air. The Nymphs and Dryads were placing autumn decorations everywhere...the gourds and squash of the season, cornucopias laden with more, acorns and colored leaves, bittersweet and more. The Sisters were wearing their smiles and thats when Bells voice into my mind slipped through. Weve managed to keep this from him, he doesnt have a clue. Hed be suspicious if in his woodland we had come in these numbers to meet. So we chose this dimension, my Sisters and me. Its the perfect spot for a wedding of this size, Winter, Spring and Summer over the ceremony shall preside. Nimue has accepted Autumns proposal and ring, my Brothers and Sisters and I have waited for centuries. We decided it was time to speak the words of two hearts to bind. Nimue has agreed with us, shell appear after Autumn has arrived, today she comes to be his bride. He has no clue, his mind is in swirls, hes still caught up in thoughts that shes accepted his ring. His heart is swollen so wide, and he sits in his chamber remembering. Soon we will call him when all is made ready, were almost finished here. The spirits of the earth are weaving magic everywhere. The Elves will enact a drama, the Nymphs and Dryads will dance, the Slyphs will bestow our blessings and the Gnomes will display all our gifts. What can my friends and I do? Where can we be of help? I asked. She simply chuckled and then replied: Your presence is enough, youre to witness and enjoy, weve seen to all the tasks. The sentries wait now for our human friends to enter into the wood. My Sisters and I will be joining you. A moment later beside me all four stood. Witnessing the mastery of the elemental arts, it astounded me and swelled my heart. Then Bell pointed to the river down by the shore, there swam a beautiful Swan, ever so white and pure. It gracefully glided to the beach and stepped upon the soft sand. Flapping its wings the air shimmered and Nimue did stand. Her white gown filled with gossamer light, glittering in soft fiery opal hues, her hair crowned with a garland she was such an amazing sight. The Dryads rushed her off and hid her amid the trees. Just then the three Brothers and Sisters stepped into a ring of seven. They began to chant Autumns name, their voices rising into the heavens. Autumn, brother, come to us. Come to where we are. In the realm of the Dragons, the dimension holding their time of yore. Over and over they repeated the call, and through the portal he stepped. Nothing the elemental spirits had prepared showed itself, what was this? All had vanished from sight just as he arrived. The only thing that remained was the landscape of this countryside. Even those present were hidden from view, and silence fell in the air. Not a single sound outside of nature could be heard. I knew then it was the glamor spell the Elves are so fond of. Invisibility is one of the tricks they do love. So the wizard had no clue, other than he was called to his siblings side. He stood there amid them, taking in the spectacular view of how these lands did lie. Welcome Brother, said Spring, welcome home, how was your trip? Autumn smiled but held his secret silent on his lips. It went well thank you. was all he said. Summer smiled and said come sit here, lets admire the view on the other shore, out there where the meadow spreads itself and Mother Nature remains pure. So they sat upon mossy boulders and Winter came to join them too. Tell me brother, what was the purpose for which you went to see Nimue? Autumn frowned and then he said: Oh, it was just some time shared. I wanted to discuss some plans to fulfill a request so sought her answer there. Evasive as the brothers were, the Sisters drew into the conversation too. Agnes was the first to speak, Ah, yes, those plans you eluded to, will they include us too? Autumn shrugged his shoulders, Possibly. Perhaps you should ask Nimue? Agnes nodded as Echo asked, What would Nimue want of us in this way? Surely that would be your decision, the request was yours, so what do you say? He shrugged his shoulders once again, ignored her comment and turned to me. Good morning Child, come join us, you need not isolate yourself against that tree. So I stepped into their midst as Adalayne began to speak. Brother Autumn, do you like this place that we have this day chosen to gather and greet? We thought you could use our when our human friends arrive. The essence of this place will imbue itself within the blessings bestowed and expand upon them once inside. He nodded and smiled. Yes, it is a wonderful spot. Ive been looking for the Dragons, theyre nowhere in sight. Then Bell spoke up and said, No worries, theyve just gone to stretch their wings in flight. Theyll be returning soon, oh look the humans come! She pointed to toward the portal with her wrinkled thumb. The Brothers distracted him with their small talk, noting who was stepping through. The Sisters came to sit by me, they seemed so amused. Then Bell leaned in close to my shoulder and whispered protected words to me. As soon as theyre all through the gateway, the masking spell will fade away. Thats when our little surprise will take place, Im so pleased Nimue has agreed in grace. She said she thought this would be fun, as its hard to keep secrets from Autumn. He has the curious mind and the experience that lends him understanding of our ways. It is good he stays busy trying to keep his secret safe. Little does he know we have gone beyond his dream and as a result, today nothing is as it seems. All of your friends are almost through. Watch now as he receives his unsuspected news. Then her voice echoed with laughter in my mind and the sweetest expression danced in her eyes. Ive been sitting here thinking of how deeply the bonds of love go, how this setting and those gathered are about to let it all show. And it delights me to know that it extends to all of you, hurry friends through that portal step through. Weve got a surprise to spring on the Wizard today, and I cant wait to see his expression when he hears her say I do..e to the handfasting, let the celebration begin, here where the air shimmers and the land itself sings...oh look here come the Dragons filling the sky with their wings. See you soon!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:45:07 +0000

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