I feel another diatribe coming on...! Winston Churchill once - TopicsExpress


I feel another diatribe coming on...! Winston Churchill once said (I paraphrase), If youre not a liberal at the 20, you have no heart. If youre not a conservative at 40, you have no brain. This is true. Back when I was a hippy, I was a liberal. Then I grew up. I acquired a wife, and a family, and a job, I lost my hair, and I paid taxes, and I began to take an interest is where those taxes were going. I have many friends who chose to remain childlike, which would have been fine, except that chronological advancement made them eligible to vote. These are the type of people, (God love em anyway) for whom mantras like Change and Forward have some sort of mystical meaning; but challenged with: Change to what? or forward to where? their faces contort into masks of rage, or that armadillo-in-the-headlights look that our president assumes when the teleprompter goes down. (youtube/watch?v=of61E1FesPU) Thus our present predicament; a blithering incompetent occupying the highest office in the land. But there is hope. The framers of the Constitution made allowances for the kind of collective brain fart that produced the Obama administration, its called impeachment, and if the Benghazi debacle, the Syrian turn-about, the NSA domestic spy-ring, the super-secret construction recently concluded beneath the White House (Air conditioning and plumbing? Really?, soaring national debt (17 trillion dollars! We could be using that to buy Miley Cyrus some clothes!), and plummeting prestige in the international arena (Saudi Arabia chose NOT to take the coveted seat for which it had lobbied on the U.N. Security Council in large part because it didnt feel the United States could be relied upon to adhere to any particular policy) arent enough, just try signing on to the governments insurance exchange. And theyre going to manage our health care? Nevertheless, there are those who find facts distasteful and confusing. But, like the Great and Powerful Oz, we must be beneficent. We must hold out hope that in somewhere in the dim reaches of their undeveloped frontal lobes a little gnome of reason is, even now, attempting to strike the spark that will jolt the entire organism to light. Its not impossible. It happend to author and Pulitzer-winning playright David Mamet who, after decades as one of the leading literary champions of liberal (for lack of a better word) thinking, suddenly became an honest man (i.e., one who compared his assertions to his actions). For those of you for whom thinking is not too great chore, I commend his book The Secret Knowledge: amazon/The-Secret-Knowledge-Dismantling-American/dp/1595230769/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1382647883&sr=8-1&keywords=david+mamet#reader_1595230769 If an entire book is too demanding an undertaking, perhaps the article Why I Am No Longer a Brain-Dead Liberal from The Village Voice will suffice to put tinder in the hands of that struggling little gnome and ignite a spark that will warm and illumin those cold, benighted regions in the cognitive apparatus. villagevoice/2008-03-11/news/why-i-am-no-longer-a-brain-dead-liberal/
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 22:00:56 +0000

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