I feel fortunate and i am very gratfull to have grown up as a - TopicsExpress


I feel fortunate and i am very gratfull to have grown up as a child in my direct environment with different Cultures, different ages, completly different social status at the age of 12-14 i was collecting money for my mother on my bycicle every mont visiting all kinds off people crooks, policemen poor rich i lived as a child in one house with one brother who was a weed smoker and the other was a policeman the sister was a teacher later at secondary modern school the same live sometimes eating in the morning with poor freinds and later the same day with rich friends Much later in life again I had jobs where i visited all kinds of people at home in Holland poor people middle class and rich people i have lived between ordinary people and between rich people. in small house and very large houses, Party, had fun with and enjoying culture with ordanry people school teachers and with very rich people. I mingle with meet and talk to all kinds off people who are living in sometimes complele different worlds. streetguys, hippies, mystics,yogis,bankers, professors,topsporters, djs, Ministers,top- businesspeople you name it. Until know i spend time with all kinds off people from all walks of life and profession One day im between top whatever people the next day between belly dancers ;) or straatdancers Makes me happy to know and understand that the world out there is not a black and white world nothing is absolute bad or good nobody is absolutly bad or absolutly good And In all existing worlds and in all categorys of human beings you wil find a wide range of personalities and characters in each wolrd or group. Sick minded peoples, assholes as humble people and individuals with high morals and integrety. and all between So if you look carefully you will find asshole budhas and wise buddhas and all between asshole poor people and very kind and nice poor people and all between asshole politics and humble and smart and integer poltics and all between asshole and/or arrogant rich people and very nice and kind /humble rich people and all between. and to make it more complicated The reality is that it is sometimes only in the role that the person plays or takes he/she behaves a certain way Put the feet of a normaly good humanbeing on a gaspedal from a fastcar and he may behave like a killer Some asshole in a certain job or in his rol as a politician or entrepeneur maybe a very well caring and loving father and husband Give a otherwise nice friend a unifiorm and a weapon and that same person kills other human beings- as if like he is smashing annoying flys. I have ministers as real live friends and also on facebook i have poor people from ( money perpective) as friends i have multimillionares as real live friends I have at least from what i know ;) 2 people in my facebook virtual friendslist who has been in jale for murther one of them a lady who killed the man who raped her daughter has written a book about her life in jail. and i also have lots of friends like me who has never in their life done something that brought them into police related trouble What i want to say is to be carefull with judging and labeling people Just listen, observe , watch and learn from every human being that enters your script. What do you think wll happen to -arrogant- and ignorent- billionairs who put their label/fastjudgement-mechanism to work and call this billionair a fool- only because he is warning his fellow billionairs of the dangers of indifference? They may get killed by an angry mob even if everybody thinks someone is a fool or weird or whatever.. Judge for yourself ! Create and form your own opinion !!!! politico/magazine/story/2014/06/the-pitchforks-are-coming-for-us-plutocrats-108014.html#.U7CvaUDib5m
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:48:21 +0000

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