I felt this needed to be sent to a responsible ear, this - TopicsExpress


I felt this needed to be sent to a responsible ear, this morning. Dear Mr. Enyart; I am writing you once again about the Immigration Reform Bill issue, that is again being drought up. While I understand the White Houses logic for this, it would be against all reason and makes no sense. America is being drown in Debt. 30,000 American Citizens are loosing their: homes, jobs, ability to feed their families and their dreams every day. The September Real Numbers of U.S. Citizens that are Unemployed, over the age of 16, are staggering. 90,609,000 eligible aged U.S. Citizens are unable to find work. The phony numbers that keep being released about Illegal Aliens, here undocumented, unwanted and not Prosecuted for their crimes, are 11 million. 30 million or more, Mexican, Chinese, Middle Eastern and African Illegals are here! Before there can be any consideration for these criminals to become U.S. Citizens, there must be a return to their Host Nation for prosecution, then if they still want to come to America, they must go through the proper channels. Senator durbin insists his Grandparent was an immigrant. Alright. But did she come here legally or Illegally? I have spoken with Legal Immigrants about the Immigration Reform Bill. They are angry that criminals may be rewarded for their illegal activity, while tens of thousands of people are denied the opportunity at the American Dream, because THEY attempt to come here through the proper channels. America was born from Immigrants. Those that wanted to come here to have a chance to help America stay strong. They did that by obeying the Laws of both Nations. This is their reward? Doing the right thing, the right way, only to be ridiculed for being a law abiding Citizen? This bill/law is too much. I urge... BEG you to vote NO. Do not reward these criminals for their behavior. I have never been rewarded for mine. If I was accused of a crime, I was punished for it, whether I did it or not. These Illegal Aliens are here from another country, they violated the Covenants, Laws and Treaties of at least 2 Nations and they are to be rewarded? Thank you for your No Vote on this matter. Godspeed, John V. Rigdon.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 12:28:20 +0000

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