I find the hardest part about death is figuring out how to live - TopicsExpress


I find the hardest part about death is figuring out how to live after the fact. Having your world turned upside down, stomped on, spit on, then thrown back in your face and trying to figure out how to go forward from there can be extremely difficult. When someone you love is dying family tends to gather for support. But as soon as the person has passed they must return to their normal lives. Life takes back over. I do not expect anyone to stop their life for me. But please do not promise you will be here Then not make an effort to even call. Using the excuse I dont want to bother you or I know you must be busy or I know you must have company so I wont bother you are poor excuses. Because guess what.... Everyone is doing the same thing! So no one shows up and no one calls. Here we sit. ... In an empty house. We wish our house was full again.... Since Pauls passing the phone hardly rings, there are hardly any visitors, and this house is deathly quiet most nights. So my point is. ... When someone you love passes (grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin) dont stop calling your other loved ones and dont stop just stopping by. Because after your loved one is gone we need you now more than ever. .. More than before. Again we know life goes on for everyone else and soon we will begin to move forward again but right now. ...we need you! ! I once had a conversation with a very brilliant man. He asked me....is there something that people dont do, or that they do that upsets you.(Im paraphrasing) I said.....they leave. Their lives take over and they forget to make that phone call then we are left feeling alone. Im not mad at anyone because I too have done the same. But they just leave and assume someone else is being supportive but everyone is thinking the same thing and then we are left. We all do this. ..unknowingly and unintentionally. Just remember that life is way to short. We dont always get that second chance to make that phone call we thought about making 20 times. Make time... Even if its 5 minutes just to call and say I love you. Bug the hell out of your loved ones. Drag them out of the house when they dont want to go. We feel as if we are a burden. That our emotions are played out and old. Who wants to hear someone crying? So we will crawl into a small hole and hide. Dont let us! !!!! For those that have stuck around since Paul passed. ...I love you!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:02:48 +0000

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