I got 95 (because Ashley is a complete jerk) so heres 95 more - TopicsExpress


I got 95 (because Ashley is a complete jerk) so heres 95 more facts about me. 1. I love baths 2. I have my belly button pierced 3. I love writing. Its on my bucket list to get at least one novel published. 4. Despite wanting to be published, I have a very difficult time allowing people to see my writing. Theyre all pieces of me and I fear the judgement of others. 6. I am quite afraid to graduate and be released into the real world 7. I am dual enrolled in college and high school classes 8. I will be graduating with something along the lines of 36 college credits 9. I try too hard to fit in 10. I am really indecisive. 11. Most of the time, if Im being indecisive its not because I dont know what I want. Its because I want others to be happy even if it means doing something I dont want to. 12. Im really bad at finishing my books. I have three or four in progress, and thats after deleting the duds. 13. Ashley has been my writing partner since about sixth grade 14. I dont want to graduate because my mom wont be there with me. 15. People tell me that I remind them so much of my mom. This is the greatest compliment that I have ever recieved. 16. I have an older sister and shes like me, but more spaztic 17. My older brother is probably my best friend. 18. No matter how much I miss my mom, I am so eternally grateful to my grandparents for all they do for me and my little brothers. They are my rocks and I wouldnt be half the person I am today without them 19. When I turn 18, I am getting a tattoo in honor of my mother. If you want to get me something for my birthday, give me money to help me pay for it. 20. I get too attached to characters in shows, books, movies you name it. Im married to like, 4 fictional characters and cry every time someone I like dies. I made myself cookies last time one of the people I hated died in a book. 21. I love love love Disney and kids movies 22. I am way too forgiving and I care too deeply for people who earn my trust. My mom used to call it my fatal flaw. 23. I have a very hard time accepting compliments, even from my own boyfriend 24. I have only ever been to two parties in my life 25. After my mom died, I taught myself how to french braid my own hair because I missed her doing it more than anything. 26. I taught myself how to do this only by memory of how it felt when she would do it. 27. My father is also dead. 28. I only met him twice before he passed away, three months before my mom did 29. I just had two pieces of my toe nail completely removed down the the root. Theres nothing but tender skin now 30. Its going to take 6-6.5 months for those pieces to grow back and look normal 31. In order to do this procedure, I had to get novacaine shots in my toe. These were the two most painful shots I have ever felt in my entire life. 32. I have had my appendix, tonsils and adenoids removed as well as a plate put into my leg and taken out again. 33. I broke my leg in sixth grade on a school ski trip. I broke one bone in the lower leg in half and the other one shattered. The doctor said he stopped counting those shards after 8 because they got too small. This is the reason for the plate. 34. I hate this. 36. I love candles. A lot. 37. In 5th grade, we had a house fire that completely destroyed the inside of my house. I lost everything. All I had was one pair of clothes on my back. I was able to salvage a couple of keepsakes, thankfully. 38. My youngest brother almost died in this fire. He was only a year old and it started in the room that he was napping in. He was somehow able to get onto the floor and avoid any smoke damage after shutting the door on himself. My grandfather saved his life. 39. We believe that my little sister (his twin) was the reason behind him making it onto the floor and surviving. 40. I used to have a little sister. She died at the age of 5 months old because of hypoplastic left heart (two chambers instead of four) 41. I strive to be a nurse, just like my mother 42. I love laughing. If you can make me laugh, I will probably love you forever 43. I completely love reading 44. I wish I knew how to sing 45. I wish I knew how to act 46. I was a dancer for 7 years 47. I went to school in Phoenix my freshman year, made some great friends, but ultimately decided to move back home 48. The silver heart necklace that I wear all the time was a gift from my grandparents. It has my moms thumb print in it and I have worn it every day for the last three years. 49. I have two younger brothers 50. Their names are Dylan and Kurt 51. Dylan is 8 and Kurt just turned 11 52. They are the biggest brats in the world, but I love them to death 53. I would do anything I could for my family and anyone else that I cared about 54. I my trust is easily earned, but extremely impossible to earn back 55. I tend to hold grudges 56. I always look for the best in people even if no one else sees it 57. I am a decent judge of character 58. I am extremely loyal 59. My boyfriend is the most amazing person Ive ever met and he makes me so proud every day 60. He is one of the only reasons I have made it as far as I have 61. He is the one who pulled me out of the deepest state of depression that I have ever been in 62. I am still afraid of the dark 63. I am even more afraid of the dark outside 64. If I have to go outside in the dark, I will make one of my brothers go with me 65. I sleep with a teddy bear that Eric gave me every single night 66. I also sleep with my baby sisters baby blanket and I have since the night she died about 8 years ago 67. If I dont have either of these items, I cant sleep 68.I was plagued with absolutely horrific nightmares 69. I still have time sometimes 70. I am quickly running out of facts 71. I love reading (I dont remember if Ive already said that, sorry) 72. I greatly fear what the world is going to turn into in the future with the way our generation acts now 73. I dont congratulate teen moms. I tell the good luck and give them my support. I believe at our age, it isnt something to be proud of, but it is something to be proud of if you can do it. My best friend is a teen mom and I have amazing respect for her. Her son is my nephew and I love their entire family like anyone else. I congratulate her, and the other teen moms I know, for making it and not giving up. Mad respect. 74. I completely support gay rights 75. I think the word sorry is the worst, most meaningless word out there. Dont say youre sorry to me, show me youre sorry 76. I hate working, but I love money 77. I doubt my abilities quite highly 78. Death is one of my crippling fears 79.I really hate Ashley... 80. I am tying really hard to loose weight 81. I wanted to be in a sorority next year, but decided against it because I dont really get along with girls 82. I fear that Im going to hate my NAU roommate, or they will hate me. 83. I think people in this generation throw around the world love much too loosely, rarely knowing the power of it 84. I have an obsession with the show Greys Anatomy, I think its a sickness 85. I dont like muscular beefy guys, I think Channing Tatums muscles are gross and he is entirely unattractive. 86. I am also currently addicted to the show Fringe 87. I love having deep conversations with people 88. Most of you havent read this whole thing, if you have you know too much about me a likely dont care 89. I want to own a library when I am older. A private one. In my house. Like Beauty and the Beast, except not that big. 90. I cant leave my house without brushing my teeth, nor can I go to sleep without that either 91. I shower every day 92. I fully believe in Karma, but I wish it would act faster 93. I love being clean and smelling good 94. I love listening to people and helping them as much as I can 95. I dont like telling people about my struggles because I dont like to seem like Im looking for sympathy. Im not. Im a big girl and I can make it through without your pity. You wanna help? Show me you care by being a true friend to me. If you read ALL of these, thanks and now you know me better than youd probably like to. You can like this if you want, but Im probably not going to give out any numbers. Unless its Ashley. Youre on my S list woman.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:45:18 +0000

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