I got one of these compliments over the weekend. A guy came up to - TopicsExpress


I got one of these compliments over the weekend. A guy came up to me and said the following (Ive inserted my thoughts into the parenthesis) I just want to congratulate you on all your weight loss. (awww, thanks! So sweet) I remember the first time I saw you in like 08/09 when you first started, and I thought wow, her voice does not match her body. (uhhh....so you thought I sounded hot and then realized I wasnt?) But whatever youre doing, keep it up! You look fantastic! (at least we ended on high note.) He meant well, and I took it as a compliment and was happy he shared his encouragement, but its always a little weird when it comes out that way lol. I used to be told that my face was beautiful, people just wished my body matched my face. Say, what?! LOL. Granted, yes, I am proud of what Ive accomplished, and Ive pushed so hard for ME, to be healthier, to be happier, and living a fit life has provided me with that. And its rewarding when people give you compliments, or tell you that youve inspired them. And Im happy to discuss what Ive done; if it will help someone else reach their healthier life goals, Im all for it. But I always love to see how others react to those backhanded compliments as she put it. This just cracked me up. - Carletta Blake Radio
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:29:36 +0000

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