I had an aha! moment today. My awesome colleagues and I were - TopicsExpress


I had an aha! moment today. My awesome colleagues and I were discussing why we become bitter or threatened at work, in life, or what-have-you. I started to think about my family and friends and why some of us are happy and some are not. Then it came. The secret to happiness is... embracing the abundances in life. Those who are bitter or unhappy often think and behave as if there isnt enough to go around. Oh man! This was it. My thoughts went on and on and all the pieces of the stories in my life added up. When I was threatened by a colleague at work when I was in college, it was because I thought there wasnt enough to support both of our skills and needs. And look where I am today (working my dream job since I was a kid)! When my first boyfriend and I split, I was so scared that I would never find a love like that again. Then I met someone (the guy I wrote about regarding unconditional love) who taught me that it was not true. That there is always a love like that out there and I will get it when I want it and when the time is right. And I realized that as I grew, I learned subconsciously that I would always have enough and my happiness grew tremendously. And looking back at my recent frustrations or fears- I realize that it it actually was because I thought for a moment that maybe it wasnt enough or that I wouldnt get what I need. How silly was that? :) Look at nature... does she ever act if she will never have enough? Hardly. Trees dont compete for space and water- they share- huddling if they must. They only absorb just what they need. They dont overindulge. Lions. Do they kill more than they need? No. They kill to quench their thirst at the moment, trusting that more will come along when they are hungry again. And when they are satisfied, do they kill again? No. The usual prey could walk by the pride without being killed. And our mentality as humans are- mine, I need to grab this opportunity because it wont come again, I lost the best thing that ever happened to me and it will never happen again, and so much more. These thoughts assume that we are limited in what we have. And as a result, we dont feel free to share,physically, emotionally, or spiritually. And the ironic truth is that we have an infinite supply, provided by this mind-blowing and beautiful universe that never ends. So... I challenge you. When you think there isnt enough, stop yourself and say, there is enough. And know for a fact that you will get what you need and that you will never be without. There is always enough. You are enough. *hugs* (theres plenty to go around ; )
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 22:22:33 +0000

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