I had briefly posted about my son and then deleted it. I was angry - TopicsExpress


I had briefly posted about my son and then deleted it. I was angry when I posted and had decided to not post with that anger. Those that did see it, thanks for the reach out. My son was jumped, beaten, robbed, and when they were done beating him and taking his wallet, they rolled his body into a swale on the side of the road. His face wasnt recognizable but I still managed to stay relatively calm. I posted when I learned they rolled him into that swale. I wouldnt be able to recognize my own childs face but it was the swale that set me off the deep end. Go figure. I have always believed that even the worst people have good in them. That swale makes me doubt that. How can anyone with any good just roll my childs damaged body into a swale? The bad got personal. Those men (and I only use that term because I dont swear on FB) werent thinking anything about my son, me, or any of the many other people that love him. It wasnt personal. But it sure feels personal. This isnt isolated. So far, four nephews, two nieces, a brother-in-law, and now my son. They werent doing high risk things. They were living life. Three of them were walking down a street in Ventura. My nephew was enjoying a day at the beach with his girlfriend at Tahoe in broad daylight. His jaw was shattered when they were done with him. This morning it felt like a disproportionate amount of bad happens in my family but then I got my perspective. I have a very, very large family. It just seems disproportionate when feeling the emotions of it. On the other end, I have a disproportionate amount of really good things, too. Far, far more good than bad. At this moment, my son has more love wrapped around him than a lot of people feel in a lifetime. Those three men have never felt that. They couldnt and still be able to do what they did to him. My son is doing very well considering. His nose is broken and his face is pretty messed up. He is going to a doctor that specializes in facial fractures. I am angry. I have recurring thoughts that their mothers should have aborted and I want their mothers uteruses sewn shut. Dont let anything else escape out of there. I debated whether to post this or not but went with it. I avoid posting negative but I decided this isnt negative. Its life. Not everything in life is sunshine and roses.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 17:20:59 +0000

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