I have NO idea why Ive been playing games for the last few months - TopicsExpress


I have NO idea why Ive been playing games for the last few months when it comes to fully committing to the plan. I would commit for a few days, go off BIG and wait a week to start again. I finally got sick and tired of it after I went shopping and noticed my pants fitting tighter. I havent been weighing for most of the year because I was so happy in my size...when the pants start fitting tighter I go back and get that extra weight off. The shopping trip a few weeks ago did me in and I told myself ENOUGH! I went back on plan 100% and started weighing again last Sunday. Ive been on plan, 100%, NO CHEATING, not even an extra little sliver of cheese..and it paid off BIG! 8 1/2 lbs. gone this week!!!! I wasnt miserable, in fact I found a whole new focus and desire to stay 100% honest on plan. I made it through a HUGE vendor fundraiser yesterday with amazing free food from wedding vendors, making good choices and NOT eating off plan. I also made it through a birthday party last week, turning down pizza and cake and ice cream. I worked a wedding yesterday and asked the videographer to get me a glass of water. He brought back juice... I politely let him know I can only have water, as Im committed to my program. He was impressed...I was pretty proud of myself too! All these tiny wins are BIG ones for me, as for months Ive allowed little cheats here and there! Feels so good to be honest with myself and be strong! Im empowered! I CAN do this! I have a goal...6 weeks of doing the program perfectly! I WILL DO IT! YOU CAN TOO! Happy Monday, week one, day one...wherever you are, start and commit! You control the outcome!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:00:47 +0000

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