I have a theory about a 4,000 year-old mystery. I am confident I - TopicsExpress


I have a theory about a 4,000 year-old mystery. I am confident I have figured out how the Great Pyramid was built. I have looked on the internet and haven’t seen anything similar to my theory. Interestingly, my theory uses no “witchcraft,” no electricity, and nothing other than what they had at their disposal. I figured out how approximately 2 men could have maneuvered the over 80 ton blocks to within inches of their final destinations without breaking a sweat! My hope is that Mythbusters or some other organization will take this with serious consideration and verify its validity. Enjoy, Lloyd and Brian 9/11/13 Hypothesis on Great Pyramid by Lloyd and Brian Babineau On Labor Day, my family and I were watching a couple of shows on ancient Egypt. I have always been intrigued by pyramids. My son, Brian, and I started theorizing and feel we have solved the mystery. This is a general concept that we suggest on how they were built. Someone with specific knowledge could expand on this. At the block quarry, the block was cut, not finished, then set on a specially designed barge upside down. It would remain on its own special barge until it was within inches of its final resting place on the pyramid. The only function of the lower Nile was to get the block within eyesight of the pyramid. The remaining journey was only possible because of the underground aqueduct from the upper Nile that ran into the subterranean chamber of the pyramid. In a strategic series of raising and lowering the water level in a lock, causeway, and moat, they could build a pyramid. The aqueduct running into the subterranean chamber would also have series of valves to alter direction of the water flow, but never shut down the aqueduct and never let the water level go below moat. Keeping the pyramid water line at the height of the moat allowed ease of door opening and closing, letting barges in and out. Placing a moat around the pyramid area with causeway at or near the same elevation gave them a route from the lower Nile to the pyramid. If they added a water lock from the end of the causeway into the lower Nile, the upper Nile’s water does all the transferring work. They began floating the special size barge with block into water lock from lower Nile. After closing the lock, they opened the valve to the subterranean chamber which would fill the moat, causeway, and lock all to the same height. This made it easy to move any size block through the causeway into the area where the pyramid would be built in the moat. Probably 4 men (2 in front, 2 in back) walked in waist deep water in causeway pulling/pushing block to the specific spot in moat where block went. I speculate 4 men at 3 mph. The men would be walking in the causeway and moat in waist deep water, “steering” blocks to their location. Once entire row created, it’s as if a dam’s height was increased by “x” number of feet. A couple of blocks at the base of the pyramid could be used as a door to easily open or close when water level is at moat height. This would allow the next level of blocks to be added. The next course of blocks would be floated in. The pyramid doors would close then the valve to the subterranean chamber would be opened allowing the water to rise as high as possible. I believe they might have had wood attached to outside allowing them to raise the water level slightly higher than the block level for ease of adjusting blocks into position. As far as the order of blocks installed, it would be necessary to always keep the outer of the pyramid rising higher than the inside. By not completing the inside of the pyramid, it would enable them to float in the extremely large blocks and float them up to the top and place them high up inside the pyramid with ease. However, they would have done it in such a way that would have been most advantageous or strategic. In order to add more blocks they would drain to moat level, open door, float in more blocks, close door, raise water level to new height. It was critical the pyramid be water tight. Also to speed up, there was very little air space so the water level raises and lowers quickly. The 8-inch channels found in the pyramid allowed air in and out allowing pressure in almost-built pyramid to escape, causing no damage to the walls. I speculate that in addition to completing the pyramid, there would have been ways to further make it difficult for tomb raiders to access. I believe that they floated in additional blocks and walked with them as far up the (known) 7 degree incline passageway, spiraling up the pyramid. This would fill it up with additional blocks to barricade doors. Strategically raising and lowering the water level, they created a type of “log jam” at the bottom of the pyramid and possibly the top. Doing this at the top would allow the workers to leave the pyramid somewhere in the middle. All existing facts and evidence that others have either discounted or attributed to “magic” prove my theory. Some facts that support theory: • Far fewer men. This explains why no large camps where these workers lived while building the pyramid. • There is a subterranean chamber with “fins” built in to accelerate filling time by creating a reverse vortex. • An aqueduct runs from upper Nile beginning at an elevation higher than the pyramid with valves built in leading to subterranean chamber at the bottom of the Great Pyramid. • A moat height that makes the water flow possible. • Causeway elevation makes water flow possible. • 8-inch chambers would allow fast air in and out to speed water. • Perfect balanced swivel doors located above moat for quick draining which speeds construction. • Additional door in middle of pyramid to allow final exit after adjusting blocs above and below. • This method would allow building in less time than previously thought. • Using water as a leveling technique would explain how they got the walls perfectly level. If they filled the rows of block to the very top with water, as soon as it over flowed, they would know where the high spots were. Eventually the whole thing would be almost perfect. This was necessary to seal so they could water tight the wall for the next row of block. Additional thoughts on efficiency: • Just as subterranean chamber fins increased water flow by creating a reverse vortex, swivel door above moat height could be an emergency and/or quick dump allowing pyramid to get to water opening level moat height quickly. • The blocks were only cut, not finished; and then strapped upside down on special barges. • Each barge and block had a team of maybe 4 men (2 navigators, 2 “polishers”) during the float down. The polisher would only have to finish (sand) 2 of the 6 sides (bottom and side that would be touching the set block on pyramid); the navigators would make sure they didn’t get stuck and strap on wood devices to aid in set-up process. • Men would have been stationed in strategic locations along the Nile to assist in critical navigated areas. At that time, they would pass food/drink to them. They could eat and sleep on the way down. • Once the block was in place on the pyramid, another team would shape 2 more sides (top and the other end) as well as attach water level board on outside while water level was dropping to bring in new blocks. • If the face of pyramid was smooth, a team could have been working on that after block was set. • When pyramid access door at moat level opens, they floated empty barges out of the pyramid and into the moat, then floated the new barges with the blocks in anticipation of closing the pyramid door, raise water level, and repeat process. Final thought: In its time and until recent, the pyramid was the largest building in the world. Likewise, during this same time period, this would have made the pyramid the largest water lock in the world. And still to date, the only water lock that has a cover over it and the only water lock that its final destination was itself, reaching to the Heavens! Brian and I would love it if the Mythbusters would call and do a show on the possibility of this technique!
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 03:50:41 +0000

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