I have arrived at a point where current events, evil corrupt acts - TopicsExpress


I have arrived at a point where current events, evil corrupt acts by governments, institutions and men no longer shock or anger me any greater then I am already moved to anger. My cup is full......nor am I any longer surprised by the ignorance and stupidity of my fellow man. I now come to expect knee jerk and shallow responses from the vast majority of Americans on every single issue facing us today. Common Sense is no longer common and has been replaced with a reactionary mind numb follow the herd mentality. Sadly this is not exclusive to the Socialist Progressives, many so called Patriots are incapable of thinking beyond what they are told by the latest neo conman spokes hole de jure. Liberty is gained and maintained by so much more then sound bites and cliches. However that is as exactly how it is lost. We live in an age of erosion and decay, this nations moral and intellectual compass has long since been smashed. We dwell in a land of madness where truth and wisdom are not just rare they are openly mocked! History is rewritten daily by a media wholly unfit to be protected by a Constitution they openly attack. The masses praise and embrace perversion then complain when we reap what they have sown. This nation is cursed not because God is mean, uncaring or harsh. This nation is cursed because the PEOPLE are vile, rebellious, savages who are willfully ignorant of the truth. Millions are angered over the just killing of a single teen in the act of aggression yet few are moved by the MURDER of millions of the innocent unborn........madness. You blindly follow deceivers and willingly act as useful fools seeking only to be part of the active collective. I am appalled and the Neo Christians in this nation that split hairs and filter gnats while they choke on Camels! You elitist pharisee who struggle more over having a Christmas tree or on what day the Sabbath must fall then you ever do over the Evangelism of the lost sheep surrounding us. You speak volumes of gossip and smooth things while HIS Church is being persecuted worldwide. You hide behind the falsehood of the non existent separation clause while God demands you take DOMINION of the entire earth! The Church in America has become a white washed sepluchre. This nation is not lost due to the acts of the unsaved, This nation is cursed because of the inaction of lazy and vapid so called Christians. As He did Israel so shall God judge the people of this fallen nation. HE is just and we DESERVE HIS WRATH. Ignore the truth all you want,acting like a spoiled and disobedient child kicking and screaming will not save you from the spanking YOU have earned. Think I am wrong? We are surrounded daily by the results of your evil ways. You fools blame Satan for calamity or strife and death. The suffering and loss among us is due to the evil that MEN do alone.....what we witness daily is NOTHING compared to what an Angry GOD will do to His fallen and vile people. You will never vote your way to LIBERTY!!!! DEO VINDICE!!!!!! 2 Chron 7:14 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 17:35:01 +0000

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