I have been absolutely opposed to the death penalty for 45 years. - TopicsExpress


I have been absolutely opposed to the death penalty for 45 years. Nothing commends it ... nothing, except a desire for revenge. And revenge always reaps a bitter reward. And, I assert that it represents horrible christian theology. From a Christian point of view we should no more be practicing the death sentence today as we should be taking our disobedient sons out by the city gates and stoning them to death (that is in the bible). And, we do not do so for sound ethical, moral, spiritual and Jesus reasons. To be totally consistent with any bible justification encouraging the death penalty I suggest we would have to from a Christian Taliban government. The categories of people we would be putting to death are two many to be listed here. Also consider this question: Is there really an acceptable percentage of innocent people sentences to death for one errant reason or another, that can actually be consider justifiable collateral lose in other to continue the practice? I ask because we it does happen. In fact, in the United States a high proportion of false criminal convictions that do come to light and produce exonerations are concentrated primarily among the tiny minority of cases in which defendants are sentenced to death. This makes it possible to use data on death row exonerations to estimate the overall rate of false conviction among death sentences. The high rate of exoneration among death-sentenced defendants appears to be driven by the threat of execution itself, because most death-sentenced defendants are removed from death row and resentenced to life imprisonment, and when this happens the likelihood of exoneration drops sharply. So, research on this issue uses survival analysis to model this effect, and have estimate that if all death-sentenced defendants remained under sentence of death indefinitely, at least 4.1% would be exonerated. And, understand this is considered to be a conservative estimate of the actual proportion of false conviction among death sentences in the United States. Take a look at this article and let me know what you think. washingtonpost/news/the-watch/wp/2014/04/29/poll-is-there-an-acceptable-innocence-rate-on-death-row-if-so-what-is-it/?wpisrc=nl_popns
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 22:25:42 +0000

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