I have been accused of being pro-Israeli and callous to the - TopicsExpress


I have been accused of being pro-Israeli and callous to the numerous deaths in Gaza. The truth of the matter is that I am pro-truth and I am distraught, even angry at the so-called progressives in our society who do not bother checking their facts before they speak. Recently, the CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz publicly announced that they do not support Israel. A Jew himself, Schultz made this announcement following rumours that the over-priced coffee chain supports Israel. I do not know if he did that out of conviction or out of pressure from the so-called progressives who threatened to boycott his business, it does not matter, at least not to me, everyone is entitled to make their dollar. What angers be is the absolute hypocrisy of the so-called progressives in North America and what angers me is the media bias and the unprofessional reporting of news here in what is supposedly a democratic country. So here are the facts: 1. The whole Israeli conflict is not about land or the right of return or the right of Palestinians to self determination. If it were the case, the conflict would have ended a long time ago. The reality is that Arab Muslim Extremists want the destruction of Israel and the extermination of Jews. Dont take my word for it, here is a video of a sermon on July 25, 2014, by a leading Hamas cleric leaked out of Gaza. Listen to what he says and then come back and tell me that what I am saying is pro-Israel propaganda: https://youtube/watch?v=R7WAoczRV_k 2. Our biased media and so-called progressives are quick to point to the deaths of so many children in the Gaza Strip but where are the reports that clearly show Hamas using civilians and children as human shields. Once again dont take my word for it, I am supposedly pro-Israel after all, why dont you take the time to watch France 24 a media outlet that is not afraid to report things the way they are: france24/en/20140805-exclusive-video-hamas-rocket-launching-pad-near-gaza-homes-un-building/ or that Hamas uses children to construct their tunnels that they use to infiltrate and attack Israel, resulting in the deaths of at least 160 children? Once again this report has been confirmed by Hamas itself! Like I said, dont take my word for it, do your own research and your own thinking! breitbart/Big-Peace/2014/07/27/Report-Hamas-Used-Child-Labor-to-Build-Tunnels-Hundreds-Died The fact is I am pro-truth and so very few are willing to take the time to determine what it is. I am neither pro-Israeli nor am I pro-anything but truth. I am just as appalled as anyone else with some of the policies and actions of Israel and I have said before there is blame on both sides. I have also said that the situation in Gaza is far more complex than we would like to make it and the people who are really suffering are the ordinary Palestinian people and the ordinary Israeli citizen who just want to live in peace. If there is anything I am against is people who do not take the time to verify what they have been fed by a twisted, fallen, unprofessional media and that media itself!! As a teacher of media studies, this really infuriates me.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:28:28 +0000

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