I have been asked to leave the friends of retlaw facebook page, I - TopicsExpress


I have been asked to leave the friends of retlaw facebook page, I have been challenged that I had an agenda, that I am a spy. But here is my only motive, which I verbally said out loud numerous times at the public meeting held at the FDL Library the other month. My main concern/motive was to stop the backlash and negativity that this will cause for Fond du Lac. Christine even promised me that the group would not bad mouth the city, I wondered how she could control all the people on the page, but I believed her. So now do I care if the theater stays or goes? Either way it is a win for Fond du Lac. Either way something is being done with that property that has sat vacant for years. Again my only motive is to stop the negative and nasty statements been thrown at residents of FDL. It truly wasnt just one persons fault nor should anyone be publicly chastised for it. So sure I didnt have the exact same motive as Christine, but I was still willing to help. Made some suggestions- yes some they didnt want to hear. Never did I say dont try to save it, I challenged them to get organized or why did they miss some opportunities to get the word out. Doing that makes you the target I guess. But what I would love for facebook to see is what happens behind the scenes when you dont 100% agree. You get personal messages from Andrew Warren such as these two. The first I got last week and the second just today. They might wonder why the 280+ members of this group do nothing more than watch and read the drama. Andrew Warren 7/30/2014 Ms. Everson, I truly believe your intentions to be good and honorable but I also feel compelled to offer some unsolicited information from an observer of ALL the posts on the Retlaw website. It has been my observation that your tone can be somewhat condescending and very passive-aggressive. No doubt you will not appreciate my thoughts but, I felt it best to let you know in private rather then risk having you feel publicly chastised. Please, also know that I am not alone in this observation. Many sidebar conversations have taken place that concur a mutual reaction of, I cant believe she just posted that or, Really...shes going to play the victim card again!? I truly wish you all the best and hope that you take these thoughts to heart. They are not meant to hurt you or make you feel anything but aware of what many people are stating behind the scenes after they read and react to some of your posts. You are not the only one I have reached out to privately to keep the discourse civil and respectful. It is IMPERATIVE that the FOTRT organization remain non-hostile and at least give the appearance that we are a cohesive, united and well organized front to be heard and respected. I hope you continue with your efforts in saving the Retlaw and organizing creative ways to raise money and awareness. Make the 5K Run something memorable and fantastic. Regards, Andrew Warren *I replied with Miley Cyruss wrecking ball video. So not my brightest idea, but it made me laugh and I needed that after that message. Andrew Warren 8/7/2014 And of course if you ask a question or have a different opinion of that of Michael Winkler, you will be bashed and bullied (and blocked of course). Perhaps you should choke on your own words, Everson! *I did not reply, instead posted this. So now again- I am sure I will get comments galore for this. But I was never against the idea of saving the theater, but I do live in reality... Please keep trying, you never know unless you try. Then try until you cant anymore. Christine you are doing that, that is great. But please just try to keep it positive
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 01:52:50 +0000

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