I have been been under the weather since the wedding so I am just - TopicsExpress


I have been been under the weather since the wedding so I am just now taking the time to thank those who came to share that special day with me. We are blessed to have some great friends and family. The day was an unforgettable one, one we will remember for a lifetime. However, it was unforgettable for some of the wrong reasons. Every one kept telling me to not sweat the small stuff bc no one would notice but me. I feel like if I noticed it, then it was a huge deal and on that day, the only thing that should have been a huge deal was ME and Jon Higgins. So let me vent a minute and then maybe you will agree. First, the guest that were there were very special to me. I invited only those who I thought were the most important and those who needed to be there to help celebrate such a joyous time in my life. Some of those ppl responded but then due to certain circumstances, couldnt make it. Of those ppl, I understand some circumstances. I understand when a close relative passes suddenly. I understand not being able to make it due to finances bc Jon and I have struggled ourselves. I understand when your vehicle breaks down while you are own your way. I DONT understand not showing up bc you decide to take a trip with your boyfriend who is apparently more important than your little sister. I DONT understand not showing up bc you have to move THAT weekend. I DONT understand just not showing up at all. I dont know if most of you that missed the wedding are married or not but it is a costly affair. Each empty chair cost us $60. It was bad enough I had to track down most of the guest when we didnt receive the RSVPs but that you said you were coming and then didnt. I would have preferred that you be honest and said no, you couldnt make it. So if you were supposed to be there and didnt show, do NOT expect me to speak to you or acknowledge your existence. It was painful to walk in and see that so few ppl cared enough about us to be there but more so, it was painful to see the money my mom works so hard for to just get thrown down the drain. Second, everyone knows that your wedding day is your special day. The whole day revolves around you and your special person and making their dreams come true. This means that every person in attendance should be there specifically for the bride and groom. It also means that certain request may be made from the bride and groom. With all that being said..... the DJ should NEVER call the bride by the wrong name, not in private but worse, not announcing during crucial moments of the reception . This is what happened to me. The dj, DOC VINCENT of Fairmont, called me the wrong name THREE times. Not just a different variation of my name like Krista or Christime but BRITTANY. In case your wondering, ppl noticed. Also, he was asked to prepare the guest with a back story for the father daughter dance. A story that is dear to me and needed to be shared. He did NOT tell he story, instead he generically announced that I had picked a special special song. I also asked that he play a song to which the wedded guest would dance to until the blissfully wedded couple who had been married the longest remained on the dance floor. He did NOT. I asked he play a game that involved the newly wedded couple, a series of questions and their shoes. He did NOT. So all and all, you can imagine I was unhappy with his performance to say the least. When I approached him about all of the matters of concern, he had to say this.... sorry, Brittany was a bride I had last week. WTF? Are you serious? And he said he tried to get the guest out to dance the anniversary dance but no one stepped up. Which I know isnt true bc my mom had been dying to do it all week long. He was just a suck ass disc jockey who could not get peoples attention bc he mumbled into the mic. As he did when trying to announce the money dance. I awkwardly danced half a song with the best man bc no one heard the announcement. I had to motion the matron of honor to go and have him announce it again louder and clearer, which got ppls attention. He couldnt get the guest on the dance floor abd on occasion when he played a group/line dance, he couldnt keep them up there. This all boils down to he is a horrible dj and has no place pretending to be one. I told him that his service and his fee did not match so I wasnt going to pay him the entire amount. To which he replied, you signed a contract so you will or we will go to court. He didnt offer any solution to resolve the shItty performance or even try to sincerely apologize, he went straight to court. So ladies and gents, if you live in the Morgantown/Fairmont region and are looking to hire or may may have already hired dj Doc Vincent, DONT. Cancel and get your money back. He will ruin your wedding. Third, make sure you have outlined with your venue what you want done with the food and cake that the guest dont eat or hell, if you want them to ask the guest anything during the dinner. I was disappointed that I didnt get asked which flavor I would like from the cake. It was just set down at my table. The food wasnt warm and it wasnt what I expected. Our rehearsal dinner food was better. When the night was over, I asked where the 30 plus dinners were that we paid for and the left over cake, we were told there wasnt any leftover. The cake was suppose to feed 150 guest, there was less than 70. When I spoke to the manager, he gave me some BS about they only prepared enough meals for the guest that were there (we paid for all 112 guest) and he made the decision to cut the cake into bigger slices. His solution is a free free night at the hotel for Jon and I with dinner and breakfast, probably cost around $250-300. Do the math for the guest who didnt get meals 112-70 x $60= a whole hell of a lot more than $250-300. I am finished venting. Now we are happily married and that the wedding planning is over. I hope that my rant will save some of you from heartache and tears and mis-spent money. Good luck on your endeavors.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:21:21 +0000

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