I have been inspired to put this here in the hope it may be of - TopicsExpress


I have been inspired to put this here in the hope it may be of help to illustrate disability need not be a hurdle to stop you achieving your goals.. Once again please feel free to comment. It was published in Psychic World some time ago. When Mediums Work Together Back in the early 1990’s my wife Wendy and I were working in the local Spiritualist churches and halls in and around Norfolk and Suffolk. We were quite content with this and we had built up a bit of a following in our area, so we must have been doing something right. I have always been interested in the tales of our pioneers and the famous mediums who packed out the halls in years gone by. Joe Benjamin is a name that comes to mind as I avidly read of his exploits in Psychic News when they reproduced articles from his era. Joe would fill the Kingsway Hall in London regularly it seems with over a thousand people coming to see him demonstrate. We went to see dear Doris Stokes at one time when she appeared in Ipswich. She was, with hindsight, evidently nearing the end of her life then but she still produced the goods. We had a few, so called, famous mediums come down to our local church but to be honest I wasn’t that much impressed. We were fortunate enough to be able to go and have several séances with Leslie Flint in the 1980’s and we have now some recordings from then that we treasure. One name that kept popping up from time to time in Psychic News in the early 1980’s was a medium called Andreas Vasiliou. I read with interest about him and thought at the time that here was a medium I would like to see one day. It was never in my wildest dreams that that day would eventually come. Unknown to me Andreas withdrew from public work for some years due to a serious health condition. Then one day around the end of 1992 I received a phone call from Alf Winchester from Sheringham Spiritualist Church saying that Andreas was going to do a Saturday night evening of clairvoyance for them and the Sunday meeting and would we like to go and see him. We could only attend the Saturday evening as we would have been booked ourselves on the Sunday. So that Saturday we set out to travel to Sheringham to see this medium called Andreas Vasiliou. I hadn’t even got to the car that was taking us before the worst thing happened. My zip broke on my trousers! I rushed back indoors and quickly changed into another pair and thought no more about it, albeit a trifle embarrassed. When we arrived at the Sheringham Church, there was Andreas sitting on the edge of a table. He began talking to us and he then explained that this was his first public meeting for about seven years due to his illness and he was doing this not only to help the church but to ease back into things in a gentle way. The next thing I knew was that he was talking to me and he said “you broke your zip on your trousers before coming here tonight, didn’t you”. It wasn’t a question, he told me! So many mediums seem to ask questions but not this man. As you can imagine I was suitably impressed and yes I got a bit embarrassed again as the tale of my broken zip caused quite a bit of mirth around the hall. The second half of the evening was thrown open to questions. It was twenty years ago now and I recall I asked some questions of Andreas but not actually what they were. I thought no more about it and we returned to our home, we were though suitably impressed with what we heard that night. Then on the next night when we returned home from our own meeting the phone rang. It was Alf Winchester from Sheringham. I thought I wonder what he wants as we only saw him the evening before. Apparently Andreas had been talking to him and expressed a wish to do what used to be called a propaganda meeting as was common in days gone by. That’s a very nice idea I think I said at the time. Yes Alf said and he is going to do it at the Assembly House in Norwich in September next year. That sounds really great; I said as I wondered why Alf was telling me this. Yes he said and he wants a couple of local mediums to work with him on that night. Being a bit naïve I said that is really a nice idea. Then Alf said yes and we would like you to be one of them! Those that know me will tell you that there isn’t really any time that I am lost for words. That night however I was stunned into silence. I think I managed to stammer out ooooer! It was to be on the 15th September 1993 and the venue was to be the Assembly house on Theatre Street in Norwich. The other local medium who was to be on the platform with us was Maria Lawrence. Now here I have to make an apology, for if Maria reads this I am sorry but I was so wound up myself that I remember nothing of her demonstration. I always use to get nervous before a Sunday meeting or clairvoyant night but this time I was in a real panic. As you know I have problems with my eyesight and back then I was still struggling with spectacles. I was in fact only two years away from be registered as blind and applying for my first guide dog. So it is an understatement to say I was nervous as I had no idea how I was going to be able to work in such a large venue. The morning of the 15th September arrived. I was in such a state I wanted to back out. It’s okay for those who are used to these large meetings but I had never had that experience before and with my lack of vision also I was terrified. Then spirit took a hand in the proceedings. A chap came to me and told me his name and surname and said to start with him as his recipient would be a gentleman in the first row. As I have always had complete trust in spirit that calmed me slightly and I spent the rest of the day in a quiet place in my mind. We met up with Andreas at his hotel for a coffee and a chat about an hour before we were due to be on stage. I think he wanted to meet me and to help to set my mind at ease as it was apparent how nervous I was. We then set off for the Assembly House. It was a vast building in its own grounds and was the venue for many top artists and musicians. We were to be on stage in the Music Room. We followed Andreas in through the front door and I was immediately taken aback by the size of the room. Although my head was down and I was aware of a great number of people present waiting to see Andreas. My wife Wendy refused to tell me just how many were there and said she would tell me afterwards. It seemed to take ages to get to the stage at the end of the room and even that was daunting. It was between four and five feet high and a massive grand piano was sitting there which I was glad of as I sat against it and I think it helped to hide my trembling. I have had to ask Wendy to help me in the writing of this as my recall of that evening, now nearly twenty years ago is practically nil, I think in the main due to my nervousness. I can remember Andreas giving off his clairvoyance then it was our turn. I said immediately that I could not work from up there on that massive stage. I always used to work near the people as I just couldn’t see them. Andreas said it was okay and I left the stage and got down on the floor. Immediately the chap who came to me that morning was there with me. And true to his word his recipient was on the front row. He accepted both the names and the relief I felt was immediate as no one likes to start with no from the recipient. Wendy tells me that first part was okay as I got mostly yes to what I had to give and then Maria did her bit. Then back on the stage Andreas wanted me to try and work from there. I immediately said I couldn’t. He asked me to trust him as he would help me. I agreed as although I had only known Andreas a short while I knew he was a person I could trust. He then was behind me and giving me his power and energy as I asked spirit to help with my next link. I didn’t know who or where I was going as I just could not see the people clearly from up there on that stage. It was then I heard Tommy. He is the young cockney lad who works with me to give clairvoyance. “There’s a lady in a red jacket near the back of the hall mate.” Was all he said, so I asked and sure enough a lady in a red jacket called out and I had my first link. Wendy said that at one point she was getting nervous as I apparently was getting too close to the edge of the stage. It must have worried Andreas as well as he just got hold of my arm and pulled me back. Wendy said I was in full flow and didn’t stop when he did that! I am so grateful to Andreas for giving me that opportunity and for helping me with the power to enable me to stay on the stage. After we had finished I remember Alf Winchester saying to the audience that they had witnessed genuine mediumship that night. Later I found out that there was well over a thousand people there. Now the point of my writing this article is that no matter what your disability may be, you can still work for spirit. In my case it is visual impairment and with the help and trust from Andreas I was able to be of service to my fellows. We hear today of so much petty jealousies and one upmanship between mediums. One lady I know left her local Spiritualist church as she is partially sighted; she was told she would never be able to become a medium due to her eyesight problems. Well this article proves them so wrong. It also proves just what can be done and can be achieved when mediums work together.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:01:31 +0000

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