I have been on facebook for a few years. It has been a God send on - TopicsExpress


I have been on facebook for a few years. It has been a God send on days when I couldnt sleep or when the changes in my life have been VERY overwhelming. I have met and re-met friends and aquaintences from my recent past and my long ago past. I thank God for the TRUE friends that I have encountered. In retrospect there are a few I would not be where I am without having known. (R.I.P. Jeff Abbott ) What really upsets me are the people on here who think its nothing but a joke. I love my friends! I value my relationships with you all highly. You all mean the world to me. Whether you are an old friend from high school or one of my long term friends who I have known for 20 years, I love you pray for you and do not take you for granted. In return I ask you not to take my feelings lightly. I dont have an outside life. This is my diversion, my activity for each day. I cant wait to read what you are doing and I pray you are happy and safe. Please dont make me feel foolish by investing my time in our friendship. If you really dont want me to care to this extent, then simply dont ask me to be your friend. Id rather that than the hurt that goes with the rejecton that is easily done here and hurts me just as much.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 12:44:50 +0000

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