I have been seeing on some news networks people asking where the - TopicsExpress


I have been seeing on some news networks people asking where the White House is on the NYPD police shootings. They sent Joe Biden to the funeral. I mean I do not think the President is expected to attend police funerals. He did not go to the funeral of the police that were killed in Vegas by the Tea Party couple. He certainly didnt show up in Ohio over the summer when we lost two police officers in the line of duty, nor is it his place to do so. The same people who are whining about local govt and small govt are asking where the WH is on this issue. They scream for Washington to stay out of their business, but are now whining that the WH isnt getting involved. If the President had to comment on every police officer who died, or soldier, fire fighter, or even every child killed in a school shooting, he would be on T.V every day! These are local issues and sad realities. When a police officer leaves the house each morning they know they may not come back. It is part of the job and a very sad truth. But when every day people wake up they should not have to go over the same thought process. The President spoke out against injustice when he spoke of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. These werent isolated incidents. These are happening too frequently and justice for these young men is no where in sight. We all can see from city to city we have a problem. There is use of excessive force. It could be because of poor training and screening or the watered down gun laws and access to certain guns. He asked for police body cams and federal investigations. These things are a national need. The President has every right to come on T.V when he sees injustice against his citizens. He is not choosing sides. We do not need sides. We need to unite! We need to call out the bad apples and right the wrongs. When something is on tape we need to embrace it not ignore it. Why should the President have to get involved in the immature spat the NYPD has with the Mayor. Lets face it they are acting like children. Instead of coming together and fixing their problem they want to pretend that there isnt a problem and crying victim. Yes, the two that died were victims. My heart goes out to their families and their fellow police officers. But is this behavior solving anything? No, it is causing more divide. They did not care for the mayor initially because he got rid of their authority to unconstitutionally stop and frisk. They should be working on better training especially for people with mental health issues and children. They should be screened better, and every major city should have citizen watch groups because little brother has been blinded for far too long. We need to protect our officers by passing better common sense gun laws. The same people that allow guns to flow are the same ones complaining when an officer is shot to death. We need better screening for gun owners so people with mental health issues cannot get access to these guns. We can no longer cover our ears and shout I cant hear you Like the NYPD is doing these days. We have to grow up. We need to accept the fact we have a problem and fix it. Not pass laws that make it illegal to film a cop.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 16:36:54 +0000

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