I have been slow to discuss or post anything about the Ferguson - TopicsExpress


I have been slow to discuss or post anything about the Ferguson case until more facts were brought to light. And while I know that ALL the facts are not out, I read this post tonight and needed to share. I am truly sorry for Michael Brown and his family but I am equally as sorry and devastated for the officer who is now living his life in hiding, struggling with the weight of having taken this young mans life. With that said, at the end of the day a police officer was doing his job. Its a thankless, miserable job that occasionally has fulfilling days. And yes, there are a handful of officers who take advantage of the shield of their badge, whose egos lie to them about their so called immunity from the law. These handful give the majority a bad rap. Michael was a large young man, who clearly got away with physically intimidating the convenience store clerk, who carried with him stolen property and then had zero respect for the police officer who asked him to get out of the middle of the street. Witnesses have stated that Michael pushed the officer back into his car, slamming his door and struggling with the officer for his gun. In what world would that be okay for any young man to do to a police officer in any situation? From the few photos Ive seen of the officer, its clear to me that Michael was larger in stature. Unfortunately, it appears to me that the officer had no other recourse than to draw on the young man. Witnesses also state that when the officer tried to detain Michael, who ran after the first shot, he turned and began to rush the officer. The wounds on the deceased appear to begin superficially but escalated because he did not stop advancing on the officer. Its a sad fact of how many police involved shootings happen. In many cases, the assailants who rush the officers are usually under the influence of some type of drug. Their sober selves would never act like this, and in a moment, the danger they pose can cost them their lives. Being a police officer is hard. I know because I love one and I see how heavily the weight of her job affects her. I know how heavily the weight of this is affecting the Ferguson Police Department and I stand with them. That doesnt mean I dont grieve for Michael Browns loss, but it seems clear to me that he crafted his destiny that day with a series of bad choices.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 03:26:07 +0000

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