I have kept fairly quiet on comments as I read the Portland Press - TopicsExpress


I have kept fairly quiet on comments as I read the Portland Press articles and shared them with you in a variety of places. As we near the last article, I wanted to share some thoughts on the progression of the read especially since some have reached out to me about today’s article. This account is bigger than this snapshot we are reading and there was much more to it than the editor’s choice of what information will be shared. I think this should progress into a book because there is so much more. Reading today’s article made me cringe because what I read made me seem mean. I am not mean and when I spoke about Billy “crying like a baby” I meant it figuratively. That was the description I chose to use, and other people who were there experienced the negative atmosphere of the exiting Chief. I told PPH that I did not see the gun on the desk. That a handful of women I trust shared the incident with me. I had experienced an emotional breakdown because of the bullying my family and I had to endure during those years. My family went through emotional turmoil and I was doing all I could to keep a balance for my children, for myself, which included reaching out for help and therapy. I do not mean to hurt anyone. When the article said that I wanted Joe to step down, I was witnessing a man overwhelmed who had lost his passion to push solid rules ~ the constitution. We will continue to suffer in a vicious cycle if we do not get passionate leaders in office to get this constitution ratified and we have to wait four years to hope the next Chief will do it. I think Billy is a smart man but he needs to stop making threats, blaming others, and taking more than he needs from the limited income sources in our village (greed). We need progressive thinkers and doers who want our relationships back intact. We are being torn apart by politics and the system Big Brother imposed on us so we could “survive” as a people in their skewed world view. We get people who run for office that cannot speak well, publicly speak, write, or engage/organize people. Then, we, the people put these people in leadership positions because they are our family or our friend. We need to stop that. It is dire we have people with certain skill sets. We are not helping ourselves when we continue to vote people in with little to no leadership skills. We will remain stuck because they do not know how to “change”. We have been targeted for genocide and we are still here. The lateral oppression is just awful in our villages. We need to make amends; we need to get in a real Passamaquoddy state of mind; we need to heal so we can change to create a better future ~ filled with identity and language for our children and grandchildren. I am tired of experiencing, hearing, and seeing our relationships being torn. Truth, Healing, Change. The link below is worth the read. It explains what lateral oppression is.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:06:24 +0000

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