I have no words for the latest attack in Kansas City. It was a - TopicsExpress


I have no words for the latest attack in Kansas City. It was a hate crime whose victims werent even Jewish. It doesnt matter to me. They were G-ds beloved children. A woman lost her father and her son in one moment. We know this phenomenon well here in Israel. So, my blessing for you is the traditional blessing Jews say when we are in mourning: May G-d comfort you among the remnant of mourners for Zion and Jerusalem. We often add-and may you know no more suffering. I add-as we approach another Passover, one of 3 pilgrimage festivals to the Holy Temple, may all humanity merit to see it rebuilt and receive the blessings of,My House shall be a House of prayer for all peoples, to receive and witness the light of G-ds love and presence and holiness in the world, and thereby,The lion will lie down with the lamb, Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore, and, We will beat swords into plough shares. Today, we are supposed to have removed all leaven from our homes and our hearts: arrogance, hatred, anger, etc. By removing the leaven we create the space in our psyche, an empty vessel, which we can fill and be filled with Torah and mitzvot, thereby creating a conduit of His loving light and love in this world. In its physical manifestation, the Temple is the center of that conduit, the meeting place of Heaven and earth, the ultimate ground zero from which G-ds light can spread into the world. It is our epicenter, our focal point, our reminder of our purpose in this world. May we all be comforted with the light of Messiah and our Holy Temple this evening, this week, this year. Please, Hashem. Please Ribbono shel Olam. Please, kayn yhi ratzon. Chag sameach.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 06:34:21 +0000

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