I have read, heard and even witnessed for my self the very signs - TopicsExpress


I have read, heard and even witnessed for my self the very signs the come about when you ask the right questions that exist deep down within your soul self.. Never judge the messenger... Or underestimate the message when it is bestowed upon you at the right Devine time in your life. True unconditional love can only exist from a higher plan of awareness and existence... There are times when it seems as if one has to go against his very nature to do what is right for the situation... And in reality... What is right... Is the hardest thing to do. Mainly because if we are honest with our selves... And we stop for a moment and just listen to the stories that we have accepted and believe about ourselves... Really are not true at all... What is true is that feeling you have within that is telling you that hard things in life are really not hard at all... It merely your perception of those things... Realistically... All we are here to do is to live happily... And live from a constant place of unconditional love and compassion for everyone and everything around us... For we never know what the other person is going through... Judgment is from the eye of the beholder... He who judges others, judges himself... For lack of better terms... Just be yourself.,. Never be afraid anymore to speak up if you have something say... Never be afraid of speaking your own mind... You never know whos soul you might touch with your story... Because what I have come to find out is that I am not the only person out there who has seen what I have seen, who has gone through what I have gone through... And who has lived what I lived through... Its not the end of the world... Life is not difficult... We, humans, make it difficult because of what we think should happen and do what we think is expected if us... Once you break free from the construct of what you were ingrained to believe... Once you break free from what society has said you have to do or be... You begin a path like no other path you have ever known... You begin a path of freedom... Living free from anything and anybody... You begin to live for you... You begin to make choices aligned with your higher self and higher purpose... And when you arrive at this place... Peace overwhelms the soul... For once in your life... You have discovered what it is to be free... To live from your soul self... To truly know what your purpose here on earth is... And that is live life and experience it... We have all been given free will... Only when we learn to live from that place of true acceptance that we are never separate from our creator... That we will truly know who we are...
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 00:15:07 +0000

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