I have recently gone into a business negotiation and was declined - TopicsExpress


I have recently gone into a business negotiation and was declined a partnership, and I found out that the person is truly thinking for me when he made the decision. I thank God that He sent such a person to let me know a better way of doing business even when the business deal did not work out. It is such a blessing in disguise, and within minutes after the failed business collaboration, our relationship was strengthened and through a short simple prayer, God showed me a better model and a better way of running my consultation and coaching business. All in all, God knows our paths, and as long as we stick to God, He is faithful in blessing you, even though initially it may seem like a bad thing, but it is actually His divine hand protecting us from harm and have a better plan and a future if we just look to Him and take it up to Him. Further to that, I also notice that, many of our human relationship and management problems are really easy to be solved, if we know that the person/counterparty is not the real enemy, but Satan and his demons/fallen angels are the ones insinuating our thoughts. Most humans, and including myself (as I sometimes are blinded as well), choose to see the other person as in the wrong, but in actual fact, it is this age old nemesis called Satan and his minions which are the culprits that plays with our thoughts to fight with each other. I know my words here may be difficult to understand at this point for some who do not believe in spiritual things, but I pray that someday, once we recognize that the real enemy is really this lowly created being called Satan, I pray that you will be able to forgive the person who may wrong you (or who may have not wrong you, but you thought he did because those demons are messing with your thoughts). Dont get me wrong, even Christians, like myself, even fall into the trap of taking on the lies of these demons and start to blame humans. So, for my Christian brothers and sisters, watch out so that you dont fall and take every thought captive to be submitted to Jesus, so that we will be victorious and see humans who have wronged us are just simply being manipulated by these demons/fallen angels. Pray for those who have wronged you rather than hate or hold grudges against them, as holding a grudge is really decaying yourself rather than doing you any good. I ask forgiveness to any of you whom I may have wronged or offended, knowingly and unknowingly, and I pray that whether or not the hurt is real or insinuated by Satan and his minions, to be removed in Jesus Name, and that we can be united as friends and family. God Bless you all, and may God continue to shine and lead you to the right path. I pray all these, in the name and authority of Jesus. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 12:56:28 +0000

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