I have refrained from commenting on the Ferguson matter directly - TopicsExpress


I have refrained from commenting on the Ferguson matter directly because I do not believe I know enough to express an opinion. Based on witnesses and physical evidence it could be murder, manslaughter, or self-defense. It could be a sufficiently bad example of police work that he should lose his job over it or he could be a victim himself. It simply is too unclear at this point and I hope the legal system gets to the truth and the appropriate result. With that said that is why this incident is also dangerous to draw too many lessons for broader policy. Even given that there are numerous other instances of police brutality with social media it can seem more widespread than it actually is in reality. Are there instances of racism? Are there instances of officers losing their cool and treating people inappropriately,? Are there also instances of people treating officers poorly? Is there a lack of respect for authority in our culture? Is there a loss of the concept that authority is first and foremost a peace keeper? Is there a loss of trust between certain communities and authority that goes both ways? Are there socioeconomic factors that exasperate much of the above? I would have to say yes on all counts, but the extent of the problem, how to solve the problem, and how much it is reasonable to eliminate the problem are all matters of legitimate concern from a public policy perspective. Until those questions are answered more should be expected out of the officers because they are the professionals. Yet prudence would dictate that life is easier if you have a good relationship with authority. To establish this will require leaders in these communities that can develop trust with both authority and the community at large. To do this will require some to step forward with skill, temperance, realistic expectations, but an idealistic vision. Such leaders are often scarce but I pray such leaders will step forward so that particularly the children in these communities can enjoy greater security. Until such time it will fall far more on those in positions of authority to do the heavy lifting in establishing trust and building relationships within these communities in order to restore and, hopefully, improve upon the relative peace that was once present. Also this effort should be done even if there are not riots going on in your community currently. Let us hope and pray that this effort will be undertaken widely soon.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:10:57 +0000

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