I have some friends who actually Voted for Osama Bin Obama. - TopicsExpress


I have some friends who actually Voted for Osama Bin Obama. Honestly Id have a hard time admitting to anyone if I was one of his supporters. After all of the things hes done. Or I guess since all he seems to do is go on vacation, its more accurate to say hasnt done, point in fact, the most recent slap in the face to the family of fallen Major General. Harold Greene. Literally the first time in over half a century that a sitting President was too busy to attend the funeral of one of the highest ranking members of the military, killed in service to his country. You have to go back over fifty years, in order to find an instance of a Commander in Chief who was not present at a Generals funeral, to hand the flag to the grieving family. He didnt have some important matter of state to attend to, he didnt have to meet a foreign leader, he didnt have to oversee a crisis. What was so important that it caused him to miss the funeral of a man who unlike himself has given his entire life to the service of his country, and ultimately ended up giving that life in service? Sadly, pathetically, and absolutely despicably, the answer is what seems to be the answer WHENEVER you say Where was Obama? He was playing Golf. Im not saying that, its A FACT! When the family of Maj. Gen. Harold Greene were attending his funeral, when his children were touching the casket that their dead father laid in, when his widow was handed the folded US flag, it was the Chief of Staff that handed it to them. Not only was Obama too busy playing yet ANOTHER round of golf to attend, but he didnt even have enough decency to send the Vice Failure. It was the Chief of Staff, another life long military member. Honor, Dignity, Morals, Values, hell.... even common decency are traits, and characteristics that this despicable excuse for a leader is completely and utterly devoid of. His behavior at first might seem devoid of logic. How could he release five or the worst terrorists in Guantanimo Bay to secure the release of a US soldier who had said the US was guilty of war crimes before abandoning his post, and aiding the enemy to kill MORE US soldier by telling them how to increase the tactics they were using (FACT After Bergdahl walked off post, the forces in the area suffered more casualties by far, because IEDs became dramatically more effective). Yet he wont even pick up the phone to call the Mexican President to discuss the DECORATED Marine being wrongfully held in a Mexican prison, he wont address the petition, which he is REQUIRED TO, with hundreds of thousands of signatures on it demanding he do something. He wont even mention the Marines name when the Mexican President CALLS HIM! He isnt concerned AT ALL when told that the US Ambassador in Libya is under attack in Benghazi, having been told about the attack, WHILE IT WAS UNDER WAY, and not once, the entire night, after he was informed at 6pm EST inquiring as to the status. Not being told until the NEXT DAY about what had happened, and who had died. And those whod dismiss the fact that he was Golfing instead of going to the funeral of the General by saying Bush Golfed Actually, George W. Bush, stopped golfing in 2003, saying “I dont want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf,” he said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.” Could you imagine what it would take for Obama to give up golf? I cant fathom... As long as there was a golf course in existence, he WILL NOT STOP for anything. He simply doesnt care how it looks. He wasnt bucking the funeral of some Private, it was a General. It has happened three times since 1970. THREE! This isnt something the happens every day like the worst oil spill in world history when the BP well in the Gulf went to hell, or the first time a US ambassador was killed in 20 years, or a Nuclear disaster, on top of a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in Japan, or any of the other things that happen ALL THE TIME that you can just ignore to play golf.... It was a STATE FUNERAL! The only way youll EVER see a more solemn US National Occasion is the death of a President! which is only eclipsed by the death of a US President while in office. This is a long rant, but when you see the media coverage, and they dont mention how despicable, and embarrassing this is for the nation, it leaves me just astonished and absolutely ashamed. Id expect to see something like this on the TV Show Tyrant where an uncaring dictator who only cares for himself does whatever he wants, ignores the law, lies, hides evidence, etc.... Not something that happens in real life, not something that the leader of the USA does. Its just disgusting, it is so embarrassing that not even the Vice President or the Secretary of Defense showed at this mans funeral. What kind of message does this send the men and women who are serving to protect and defend this nation, who have put their lives on the line for OUR freedoms? Osama Bin Obama WOULD NOT BE HERE, There would be NO COUNTRY for him to neglect, just to play Golf, had those men and women NOT been out there protecting us. Each and every day tens of thousands of them go out in harms way, for US! Those who lead them spend their ENTIRE LIVES in order to gain the experience, and knowledge to be able to do so effectively, efficiently, and as safely as possible for our sons, daughters, wives, husbands, mothers, and fathers, that are sent into harms way. When one of those men dies in the line of Duty, its a terrible loss, for the so called leader of the country to play golf, while hes being put into the ground in front of his family is just indefensible. There is absolutely nothing at all that can justify that disrespect. Nothing. I despise Barrack Hussein Obama not because hes HALF Black, not because hes a liberal, not because hes a democrat, not for any of the reasons his fans would try to convince others are my motives. I absolutely abhor him because he is supposed to represent us, our country, our way of life, our ideals, our beliefs, our values, or morals, our dreams, our hopes and aspirations. Instead he has spit in our collective faces time and time again. Seriously I do not understand how people cannot be as outraged as I am. This general spent 34 years... the majority of his life serving his country. He was sent to Afghanistan, to do his duty, for this country, for Obama, and was killed doing that mission, doing his duty, following his order... the orders of his president. Yet when he was buried it was more important for his president to play golf. Its just disgraceful, I cant think of a single person that I know whod behave with such absolute disrespect. abcnews.go/US/wireStory/star-general-killed-afghanistan-buried-24973953 What a lovely story, I especially liked the part that ABC uncluded which tells us how its the first time in over 50 years that a General died in service to his country and the President he served didnt have the decency to attend, or that the reason Osama Bin Obama couldnt attend was because he was too busy playing Golf... LITERALLY. Look at the White house schedule, watch the videos... its not conjecture. Its simple fact.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:11:29 +0000

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