I have wanted to do this for years. Write my own column, and - TopicsExpress


I have wanted to do this for years. Write my own column, and duck! I have wondered what it would be like to have people of my own viewpoint or persuasion maybe appreciate what I have to say and then have those who disagree with me call me a curmudgeon, racist, bigot, you name it. I consider myself a conservative politically and a liberal theologically. I think that the Southern Baptist Convention has ruined itself by painting itself over into a theological corner to the Right. They have thought, apparently, that in so doing they would strengthen themselves with those to the political Right. If they have done that, they have also made themselves so transparently naïve regarding modern science that thinking people of all stripes have a hard time taking them seriously. The world is not going back to the time of Newton. The world is immersed in the science of Darwin. It makes the most sense. Scientific method is no longer based upon the Common Sense method of simply cataloguing what one can see before him. It is based upon what one cannot see but what makes the most sense as to how things work. Thats why a hypothesis is conjured up, and it is why the hypothesis is tested to see if it will hold up to being experimented with. Those who say that Evolution cannot be proven are missing the point. Evolution, though we cannot see it happening, explains the vast majority of things that we CAN see. My father, who was a Baptist preacher and denominational servant, used to tell us boys that if you skin a cat, its skeleton looks an awful lot like the skeleton of a human being. You could multiply such skinnings throughout the kingdom of warm-blooded animals, and they would all look somewhat like a human being. What happened to cause this? An asteroid, which probably hit off the Yucatan Peninsula some 65 million years ago, destroyed the dinosaurs, leaving only little rat-size warm-blooded animals, lizards, and bugs who could hide beneath all the rubble and breathe trapped air until the conflagration and haze that had spread around the planet subsided. These animals left behind evolved in the next 65 million years. The warm-blooded ones became, eventually, us. That the Old Testament book of Genesis describes the story differently does not in the least change the fact that the God-Man, Jesus Christ, lived on this planet and died for my sins -- and rose again on the third day; and that He lived such a life as to explain to me how to live this life -- live it productively and for others. The key to understanding the Bible is to understand Jesus Christ, accept him as Savior, and live as He did as much as you can find within yourself to do, not to major on the minors, which is what so many Christians tend to do. The Bible starts slow, rises to a crescendo, tells us in Johns Gospel about the Christ, and tails off. It is like a mountain, whose peak is John 3:16: For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish, but inherit everlasting life.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 06:37:39 +0000

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